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Direct push drilling rig tools technology changed environmental site investigations.

Direct push drilling rig tools technology changed environmental site investigations.

Occasionally, something comes along that totally changes how people do business. Geoprobe Systems® is one of those companies. Direct push drilling (percussion hammer driven) machines and tools were introduced to the market in 1987. This technology totally changed the way environmental site investigations were done. Geoprobe® machines and tooling offer some unique aspects to them:

  • An industry changing product line (DPT Technology Innovation)
  • Innovative drilling rig tools and consumables for environmental site investigations
  • They are highly engineered products
  • Field tested and proven over time (30 plus years)
  • Made site investigations fast, efficient, and cost effective

Today, Geoprobe® continues to add innovative products into other drilling markets such as geotechnical, water well, exploration, geothermal, and environmental. Providing innovative products is what Geoprobe® excels at, including:

  • Geoprobe® patented Interlocking Split Spoon for the geotechnical market
  • Spring Assisted Swivel Lift Caps for water well, geotechnical, and environmental industries
  • DT22 Detent Drive Heads for environmental sampling markets

Geoprobe® is known for taking on tough challenges and providing industry solutions. We are problem solvers. Customer feedback and information is vital to the next generation of products we look to build. Your partnership with Geoprobe® helps us to provide industry leading products and services such as:

  • Research & development of future industry products
  • Unmatched customer service for tooling and machines
  • Expanding machine service locations
  • Market research on emerging contaminants (Example: PFOS)

The next time you need drilling rig tools for your job site, service parts for your rig, or technical advice, we encourage you to call us direct here at Geoprobe Systems®. Your support of the Geoprobe® brand product is appreciated!  

Contact Us

1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842