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Video: Geoprobe® 8250LS Sonic Overview

Big Sonic Boring Production with 20-foot Tooling

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Drillers seeking to ramp up sonic boring production with 20-foot tooling rely on the 8250LS sonic drilling rig to quickly provide continuous, undisturbed core samples to impressive depths in a wide range of formations. Additional advantages for producing deep sonic borings include:

  • Production power from 50,000 pound dynamic force GV5 sonic head, which comes with a three-year warranty
  • Operator safety from the adjustable swing arm control panel, rod handler, and optional indexing rack
  • Expert support via remote diagnostics and a dedicated sonic team

Each sonic drill rig for sale comes with comprehensive sonic drill rig training offered by our sonic team – all with years of experience training new operators. Regardless the complexity of the question or the experience of the driller, Geoprobe® sonic drill rig owners depend on our dedicated team of sonic experts for rapid troubleshooting and training. And with used and rent-to-purchase options, we can help meet your price point.

Features & Options

With head travel distance of 24 feet, 6 inches, the 8250LS sonic drill rig can easily accommodate 20-foot tooling for sonic boring.

With head travel distance of 24 feet, 6 inches, the 8250LS sonic drill rig can easily accommodate 20-foot tooling for sonic boring.

Owners praise their Geoprobe® 8250LS for faster, safer sonic boring production providing better unconsolidated sample data. With numerous productive features and configurations for success, two-man crews use our largest sonic drilling rig to collect high-quality samples and complete multiple applications in a single sonic boring.

  • SAMPLING: efficiently complete sonic borings to greater depths with the powerful GV5 50K sonic head. Maintain mast and machine position leveraging the dual pivoting winch and head centerline side shift of 32 inches to guide the GV5 head, automatic drop hammer, or coring head to align with the borehole.
  • SAFETY: rely on the rod handler and indexing rack to minimize heavy lifting – reducing fatigue and injury while increasing sonic boring productivity. Steer clear of spinning tool strings or position comfortably close to align rods with the adjustable swing arm control panel.
  • SUPPORT: depend on a dedicated team of sonic experts for responsive troubleshooting and thorough training. Remote diagnostics mean assistance is a phone call away should issues arise. Built-in redundancies on key components provide reassurance for finishing the day and addressing an issue at a more convenient time. 

With drill rig service shops in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Kansas, you’ll have industry-leading sonic drilling rig service support nearby for your routine maintenance or more in-depth drill rig remounting and refurbishment work. Our service technicians are backed by our team of engineers to ensure solutions not bandaids to issues. And our production processes mean your sonic drilling rig is constructed consistently and tested thoroughly to ensure easier service support.

Don't see a feature you're looking for on your new sonic drilling rig?  Give us a call.

Our team of engineers thrives on collaborating with drillers while they continually innovate new designs.

Geoprobe® GV5 Sonic Head

Geoprobe® GV5 sonic head comes with a 2-year warranty.

Geoprobe® GV5 sonic head comes with a 2-year warranty.

Designed and manufactured by Geoprobe®, the 50,000-pound dynamic force has the power to advance up to 12-inch tooling. And with 4,000 ft-lbf at 90 rpm, the 2-speed rotary drive has the torque needed to maintain rotation in tight formations. Comes with a three-year warranty.

The GV5 sonic head includes a centerline side shift function, which moves the head to the side so you can work inside the tool string without moving the mast or re-positioning the machine. This allows the driller to easily access the casing with the dual pivoting winch mast.

An optional coring head and auto drop hammer can be mounted onto the head carrier next to the sonic head. These items can be accessed independently at any time by side shifting over the tool string.

Geoprobe® Rod Handling System

Rod handling system on 8250LS sonic drill rig increases safety for drillers while completing sonic boring.

Rod handling system on 8250LS sonic drill rig increases safety for drillers while completing sonic boring.

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Video: Sonic Rod Handling System

Reduce fatigue and injury while increasing productivity and safety. Handles large diameter, 5- and 10-foot rods and casing, minimizing heavy lifting. Adjustable angles permit precise head alignment. Pairing with indexing rack creates a nearly hands-free operation without sacrificing drilling performance.

High Speed Coring Head for Sonic

Switching to high speed coring is fast and easy with optional coring mount on the GV5 sonic head.

Switching to high speed coring is fast and easy with optional coring mount on the GV5 sonic head.

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Video: High-Speed Coring Head for Sonic

The switchover from sonic to high-speed coring is easy, taking less than five minutes in the field.

The optional coring head mounts onto the side of the GV5 sonic head, moving into place by side shifting the head. The coring head is capable of 800 rpm with 540 ft-lbs of torque in forward and 720 ft-lbs of torque in reverse for breaking tool joints.

Also, the high-speed coring head incorporates a side-feed swivel, and is setup to work with our floating subs. The floating subs have 2 inches of travel simplifying make-up with the tool string. Thread options include: AWJ, NWJ, NWL, HWL, or PWL connections.  

Dual Winch System

Dual winches on the 8250LS sonic drill rig simplifies sonic boring.

Dual winches on the 8250LS sonic drill rig simplifies sonic boring.

The standard winch on the 8250LS has 100 feet of 5/16-inch cable and has 2,500 lbs. of line pull. The optional secondary winch (1/4-inch cable) is capable of 1,800 lbs. of line pull and has a capacity of 425 feet. It is also equipped with a quick change, which allows you to switch from a hook to an overshot.

14-inch Double Wrench Breakout

Compatible with casing from 2 inches to 14 inches, double wrench breakout offers 9-inches of vertical travel.

Compatible with casing from 2 inches to 14 inches, double wrench breakout offers 9-inches of vertical travel.

With 13,500 ft-lbf of torque, the 14-inch double wrench breakout gets the job done. It is compatible with casing sizes from 2 inches to 14 inches and offers 9 inches of vertical travel.

Adjustable Swing-Arm Control Panel

Dial in speeds, feeds, and pumps precisely while steering clear of spinning rods with adjustable swing arm control panel on 8250LS sonic drill rig.

Dial in speeds, feeds, and pumps precisely while steering clear of spinning rods with adjustable swing arm control panel on 8250LS sonic drill rig.

Position yourself comfortably close to align rods or safely away from spinning tool strings with the adjustable swing arm control panel. It features an intuitive layout that allows the operator to perform multiple tasks effortlessly. Speeds, feeds, and pumps can be precisely dialed in with the electronic controls.

An integrated systems display on the control panel provides real-time monitoring of machine parameters and a suite of built-in diagnostic tools. The control panel features an operator presence bar and emergency stop for added safety. Also included are system safeguards that protect the main engine and hydraulic components when important operational parameters are compromised.

Front and Rear Outriggers (Four Point Stabilization)

Outriggers on 8250LS increase stability during sonic boring.

Outriggers on 8250LS increase stability during sonic boring.

Front and rear outriggers on the 8250LS are adjustable and allow the operator to help stabilize and level the machine on unlevel terrain. 

Head Centerline Side Shift, Extend, Drill Mast Dump, Breakout Vertical Shift, Drill Mast Side-Shift

Sonic boring with 8250LS simplified with drill mast movement.

Sonic boring with 8250LS simplified with drill mast movement.

Eliminate the need to move mast or machine to align with borehole. Works in combination with dual pivoting winch mast to easily access top of casing. Makes optional automatic drop hammer and coring head independently accessible.

The centerline side shift function moves the head side-to-side so you can work inside the diameter of the rod without moving the foot or repositioning the machine. 

Not only does the drill mast move fore and aft relative to the track base, it can also be shifted left to right, up and down, and run at angles up to 45 degrees off vertical

Remote Diagnostics

Expert assistance available via remote diagnostics on 8250LS.

Expert assistance available via remote diagnostics on 8250LS.

Integrated systems display provides real-time analysis and built-in diagnostic tools so our sonic team can remotely troubleshoot. Built-in redundancy on key components means finishing the day and addressing the issue at a convenient time.

Features & Options

Owners praise their Geoprobe® 8250LS for faster, safer sonic boring production providing better unconsolidated sample data. With numerous productive features and configurations for success, two-man crews use our largest sonic drilling rig to collect high-quality samples and complete multiple applications in a single sonic boring.

  • SAMPLING: efficiently complete sonic borings to greater depths with the powerful GV5 50K sonic head. Maintain mast and machine position leveraging the dual pivoting winch and head centerline side shift of 32 inches to guide the GV5 head, automatic drop hammer, or coring head to align with the borehole.
  • SAFETY: rely on the rod handler and indexing rack to minimize heavy lifting – reducing fatigue and injury while increasing sonic boring productivity. Steer clear of spinning tool strings or position comfortably close to align rods with the adjustable swing arm control panel.
  • SUPPORT: depend on a dedicated team of sonic experts for responsive troubleshooting and thorough training. Remote diagnostics mean assistance is a phone call away should issues arise. Built-in redundancies on key components provide reassurance for finishing the day and addressing an issue at a more convenient time. 

With drill rig service shops in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Kansas, you’ll have industry-leading sonic drilling rig service support nearby for your routine maintenance or more in-depth drill rig remounting and refurbishment work. Our service technicians are backed by our team of engineers to ensure solutions not bandaids to issues. And our production processes mean your sonic drilling rig is constructed consistently and tested thoroughly to ensure easier service support.

Don't see a feature you're looking for on your new sonic drilling rig?  Give us a call.

Our team of engineers thrives on collaborating with drillers while they continually innovate new designs.

Designed and manufactured by Geoprobe®, the 50,000-pound dynamic force has the power to advance up to 12-inch tooling. And with 4,000 ft-lbf at 90 rpm, the 2-speed rotary drive has the torque needed to maintain rotation in tight formations. Comes with a three-year warranty.

The GV5 sonic head includes a centerline side shift function, which moves the head to the side so you can work inside the tool string without moving the mast or re-positioning the machine. This allows the driller to easily access the casing with the dual pivoting winch mast.

An optional coring head and auto drop hammer can be mounted onto the head carrier next to the sonic head. These items can be accessed independently at any time by side shifting over the tool string.

Reduce fatigue and injury while increasing productivity and safety. Handles large diameter, 5- and 10-foot rods and casing, minimizing heavy lifting. Adjustable angles permit precise head alignment. Pairing with indexing rack creates a nearly hands-free operation without sacrificing drilling performance.

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Video: Sonic Rod Handling System

The switchover from sonic to high-speed coring is easy, taking less than five minutes in the field.

The optional coring head mounts onto the side of the GV5 sonic head, moving into place by side shifting the head. The coring head is capable of 800 rpm with 540 ft-lbs of torque in forward and 720 ft-lbs of torque in reverse for breaking tool joints.

Also, the high-speed coring head incorporates a side-feed swivel, and is setup to work with our floating subs. The floating subs have 2 inches of travel simplifying make-up with the tool string. Thread options include: AWJ, NWJ, NWL, HWL, or PWL connections.  

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Video: High-Speed Coring Head for Sonic

The standard winch on the 8250LS has 100 feet of 5/16-inch cable and has 2,500 lbs. of line pull. The optional secondary winch (1/4-inch cable) is capable of 1,800 lbs. of line pull and has a capacity of 425 feet. It is also equipped with a quick change, which allows you to switch from a hook to an overshot.

With 13,500 ft-lbf of torque, the 14-inch double wrench breakout gets the job done. It is compatible with casing sizes from 2 inches to 14 inches and offers 9 inches of vertical travel.

Position yourself comfortably close to align rods or safely away from spinning tool strings with the adjustable swing arm control panel. It features an intuitive layout that allows the operator to perform multiple tasks effortlessly. Speeds, feeds, and pumps can be precisely dialed in with the electronic controls.

An integrated systems display on the control panel provides real-time monitoring of machine parameters and a suite of built-in diagnostic tools. The control panel features an operator presence bar and emergency stop for added safety. Also included are system safeguards that protect the main engine and hydraulic components when important operational parameters are compromised.

Front and rear outriggers on the 8250LS are adjustable and allow the operator to help stabilize and level the machine on unlevel terrain. 

Eliminate the need to move mast or machine to align with borehole. Works in combination with dual pivoting winch mast to easily access top of casing. Makes optional automatic drop hammer and coring head independently accessible.

The centerline side shift function moves the head side-to-side so you can work inside the diameter of the rod without moving the foot or repositioning the machine. 

Not only does the drill mast move fore and aft relative to the track base, it can also be shifted left to right, up and down, and run at angles up to 45 degrees off vertical

Integrated systems display provides real-time analysis and built-in diagnostic tools so our sonic team can remotely troubleshoot. Built-in redundancy on key components means finishing the day and addressing the issue at a convenient time.

“Traditionally to get to 120 feet and build a well at the site was a two-day process. With the sonic we were able to get the well drilled and installed in 12 hours, with zero issues. This ended up saving our client several thousand while keeping waste cost to a minimum!”

- Daniel Yoakum, Drilling Department Operations Manager, Environmental Works Inc., Missouri

Tooling & Accessories

4x6 Sonic Sampling

The 4x6 method is a well-established configuration using a 4-inch core barrel overcased with a 6-inch casing. Other sonic configurations follow in this manner with larger inner and outer casing sizes. When telescoping one casing over another, (such as 4x6) it is important to consider the spacing (annulus) between the telescoping casings. Geoprobe® sonic casing is designed so that each incremental casing is sized with bit clearances and annular space in mind.

6x8 Sonic Sampling
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Video: Geoprobe® 6x8 Sonic Sampling

6x8 sonic sampling provides the operator a larger area to work with than the traditional 4x6 method. The operator can obtain a larger diameter sample if desired, but this casing combination is typically used to provide a larger hole, such as to set a monitoring well. When telescoping one casing over another it is important to consider your main objective to determine sampling size.

8x10 Sonic Sampling

The 8x10 sonic sampling system is the largest of our conventional sonic sampling systems. The Geoprobe® sonic casing family has been uniquely designed so that each incremental casing size works efficiently with the next. In this case, you will have the size needed to remove even more material from the subsurface.

SDT45 Sonic Sampling

Sonic Dual Tube 45 (SDT45) is a unique and versatile sampling system advancing an outer casing and an inner soil sampler simultaneously. The SDT45 sample (3.0 in. diameter) is collected in a clear PVC liner providing a high-quality representative sample. The 4.5-inch outer casing remains in the ground (cased hole) while the sample is retrieved with inner 2.25-inch. probe rods. The system provides optional bits based upon geologic conditions (soils and rock) for more efficient sampling and recovery. The versatile SDT45 system can be used for many applications including, environmental sampling, varying types of well installations, cased hole applications, geotechnical borings, and exploration projects of numerous types.

Sonic Weighted Wireline System
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Video: Sonic Weighted Wireline Sampling System

Complimenting the Sonic Dual Tube 4.5-inch (SDT45) system, the SDT45 Weighted Wireline (WWL) system adds yet another innovative tool to your sonic tool box. 

SDW45 - Water flows around the sample sheath and exits the water ports on the bit face

The Sonic Double Wall 45 (SDW45) System compliments conventional Sonic 4x6 system to obtain critical confirmatory rock or bedrock samples at the end of a boring, whether Sonic 4x6 or SDT45 is used. Used for environmental, geotechnical, mineral explorations, and most projects where 4x6 is used, it can also be used in place of traditional sonic dual tube system when angled drilling is required.

SP60 Sonic Groundwater Sampler

The SP60 Sonic Groundwater Sampler is a packer based, deployable sampling system designed for collecting groundwater samples through Geoprobe® 6-inch casing. The system includes an inflatable packer, 2-inch stainless steel screen, and an inflation manifold assembly. The assembly is commonly deployed inside 6-inch casing with standard 2-inch schedule 40 PVC. The packer is inflated via flexible tubing, inflation valve assembly, and air supply (not included). Manual air pumps or a small air tank are common sources for the compressed air needed to inflate the packer.

Sonic Indexing Rack
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Video: Indexing Rack for 10-foot Sonic Tooling

With a few basic movements and one ‘touch’ of the drill stem, sonic tooling can be loaded into the rig’s rod loader, and the machine’s functions take over. The same can be said when tripping rods out of the borehole. The machine-based rod loader lowers the tooling to a position where once again a few basic movements and one ‘touch’ of the casing puts the tool safely back into the indexing rack until it’s needed for the next interval. The rack is adapatable to run 3.5-inch to 10-inch sonic casing in 10-foot lengths.

Explore Your Options

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8250LS on a geotechnical drilling site


Completing geotechnical investigations rapidly is made easier with power of 8250LS.

8250LS completes environmental drilling


Efficiency of 8250LS reduces time on a job site when drilling deep through tough geographies to install monitoring wells.

8250LS recovers samples from coal refuse sites


Use of 20-foot tooling with 8250LS speeds recovery of samples drilling 4X6 tooling to 85-feet deep on coal refuse sites.

8250LS water well drilling

Water Well

Characterize subsurface, improving water well design and construction, while preserving the ability to retrieve continuous soil samples with the 8250LS sonic drill rig.

8250LS 20-foot tooling expedites geothermal field sonic boring


With the power to advance 20-foot tooling, 8250LS quickly completes multiple sonic borings while rod handler reduces strain on drillers when completing geothermal fields.

8250LS completes sonic boring on construction sites


Ability of 8250LS to advance 20-foot tooling amplifies sonic boring production on construction sites.


Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Overall Dimensions Overall Dimensions 
Width (in)90Width (mm)2286
Length (transport) (in)431Length (transport) (mm)10947
Length (transport) (ft)35.9Length (transport) (m)10.95
Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted) (in)240Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted) (mm)6096
Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted with rod handler deployed) (in)314Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted with rod handler deployed) (mm)7976
Height (normal transport) (in)118Height (normal transport) (mm)2997
Height (deployed; winch mast up) (in)435Height (deployed; winch mast up) (mm)11049
Height (deployed; winch mast up) (ft)36.3Height (deployed; winch mast up) (m)11.05
Height (min standard working height) (in)NAHeight (min standard working height) (mm)NA
Approach/departure angle in transport (degrees)24Approach/departure angle in transport (degrees)24
Base Unit Weight (lbs)35,500Base Unit Weight (kg)16,102
Unit Weight (w/ typical options) lbs37,000Unit Weight (w/ typical options) kg16,783
Ground Speed (mph)1.5Ground Speed (kph)2.4
Estimated Track Surface Area (in2)3546  
Estimated Ground Pressure (psi)10.0  
Drill Mast Positioning Drill Mast Positioning 
Extension (fore and aft) (in)6Extension (fore and aft) (mm)152
Lateral (side to side) (± in)NALateral (side to side) (± mm)NA
Drill Mast Dump (in)36Drill Mast Dump (mm)914
front outrigger travel (in)26front outrigger travel (mm)660
rear outrigger travel (in)26rear outrigger travel (mm)660
Max angle drilling ability off vertical (degrees)45Max angle drilling ability off vertical (degrees)45
Drill Mast Specifications Drill Mast Specifications 
Head Travel (in)294Head Travel (mm)7468
Head Travel (ft)24.5Head Travel (m)7.47
Head Crowd Force (lbs)11,000Head Crowd Force (kN)49
Head Pull Force (lbs)25,000Head Pull Force (kN)111
Head Feed CarriageRollersHead Feed CarriageRollers
Head Feed Pressure Control (w.o.b)StandardHead Feed Pressure Control (w.o.b)Standard
Head Sideshift (in)32Head Sideshift (mm)813
Head tilt out: (degrees)90Head tilt out: (degrees)90
 8250LS 8250LS
Prime Mover & Hydraulic Specs Prime Mover & Hydraulic Specs 
EngineCAT C7.1 Tier 4 final or Tier 3(LRC)EngineCAT C7.1 Tier 4 final or Tier 3(LRC)
Engine Rated Power (hp)275Engine Rated Power (kW)205
Fuel Capacity (gal)90Fuel Capacity (L)341
Sonic headGV5Sonic headGV5
Max oscillator speed (Hz)150Max oscillator speed (Hz)150
Dynamic force @ max oscillator speed (lbf)50,000Dynamic force @ max oscillator speed (kN)222
Rotation Torque (Range 1) (ft-lb)4000Rotation Torque (Range 1) (N-m)5423
Rotation Speed (Range 1) (rpm)90Rotation Speed (Range 1) (rpm)90
Rotation Torque (Range 2) (ft-lb)2500Rotation Torque (Range 2) (N-m)3390
Rotation Speed (Range 2) (rpm)140Rotation Speed (Range 2) (rpm)140
Standard Winch Standard Winch 
line pull (lbf)2500line pull (kN)11.12
line speed (fpm)125line speed (m/min)38
cable length (ft)100cable length (m)30
Secondary Winch Secondary Winch 
line pull (lbf)1800line pull (kN)8.01
line speed (fpm)145line speed (m/min)44
cable length (ft)425cable length (m)130
Triplex Water Pump Triplex Water Pump 
Max pressure (psi)750Max pressure (bar)52
Max flow (gpm)70Max flow (L/min)265
Breakout Breakout 
Max Clamp force (lbf)21,000Clamp force (kN)93.41
Breakout torque (ft-lb)13,500Breakout torque (N-m)18304
Min Casing size compatible (in)2Min Casing size compatible (mm)51
Max Casing size compatible (in)14Max Casing size compatible (mm)356
Vertical travel (in)9Vertical travel (mm)229
Rod Handler Rod Handler 
Min Casing size compatible (in)3.5Min Casing size compatible (mm)89
Max Casing size compatible (in)9.63Max Casing size compatible (mm)245
Arm travel (degrees)163Arm travel (degrees)163
Wrist travel (degrees)38Wrist travel (degrees)38


Click below to view standard specifications. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Overall Dimensions Overall Dimensions 
Width (in)90Width (mm)2286
Length (transport) (in)431Length (transport) (mm)10947
Length (transport) (ft)35.9Length (transport) (m)10.95
Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted) (in)240Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted) (mm)6096
Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted with rod handler deployed) (in)314Length (deployed, lateral fully retracted with rod handler deployed) (mm)7976
Height (normal transport) (in)118Height (normal transport) (mm)2997
Height (deployed; winch mast up) (in)435Height (deployed; winch mast up) (mm)11049
Height (deployed; winch mast up) (ft)36.3Height (deployed; winch mast up) (m)11.05
Height (min standard working height) (in)NAHeight (min standard working height) (mm)NA
Approach/departure angle in transport (degrees)24Approach/departure angle in transport (degrees)24
Base Unit Weight (lbs)35,500Base Unit Weight (kg)16,102
Unit Weight (w/ typical options) lbs37,000Unit Weight (w/ typical options) kg16,783
Ground Speed (mph)1.5Ground Speed (kph)2.4
Estimated Track Surface Area (in2)3546  
Estimated Ground Pressure (psi)10.0  
Drill Mast Positioning Drill Mast Positioning 
Extension (fore and aft) (in)6Extension (fore and aft) (mm)152
Lateral (side to side) (± in)NALateral (side to side) (± mm)NA
Drill Mast Dump (in)36Drill Mast Dump (mm)914
front outrigger travel (in)26front outrigger travel (mm)660
rear outrigger travel (in)26rear outrigger travel (mm)660
Max angle drilling ability off vertical (degrees)45Max angle drilling ability off vertical (degrees)45
Drill Mast Specifications Drill Mast Specifications 
Head Travel (in)294Head Travel (mm)7468
Head Travel (ft)24.5Head Travel (m)7.47
Head Crowd Force (lbs)11,000Head Crowd Force (kN)49
Head Pull Force (lbs)25,000Head Pull Force (kN)111
Head Feed CarriageRollersHead Feed CarriageRollers
Head Feed Pressure Control (w.o.b)StandardHead Feed Pressure Control (w.o.b)Standard
Head Sideshift (in)32Head Sideshift (mm)813
Head tilt out: (degrees)90Head tilt out: (degrees)90
 8250LS 8250LS
Prime Mover & Hydraulic Specs Prime Mover & Hydraulic Specs 
EngineCAT C7.1 Tier 4 final or Tier 3(LRC)EngineCAT C7.1 Tier 4 final or Tier 3(LRC)
Engine Rated Power (hp)275Engine Rated Power (kW)205
Fuel Capacity (gal)90Fuel Capacity (L)341
Sonic headGV5Sonic headGV5
Max oscillator speed (Hz)150Max oscillator speed (Hz)150
Dynamic force @ max oscillator speed (lbf)50,000Dynamic force @ max oscillator speed (kN)222
Rotation Torque (Range 1) (ft-lb)4000Rotation Torque (Range 1) (N-m)5423
Rotation Speed (Range 1) (rpm)90Rotation Speed (Range 1) (rpm)90
Rotation Torque (Range 2) (ft-lb)2500Rotation Torque (Range 2) (N-m)3390
Rotation Speed (Range 2) (rpm)140Rotation Speed (Range 2) (rpm)140
Standard Winch Standard Winch 
line pull (lbf)2500line pull (kN)11.12
line speed (fpm)125line speed (m/min)38
cable length (ft)100cable length (m)30
Secondary Winch Secondary Winch 
line pull (lbf)1800line pull (kN)8.01
line speed (fpm)145line speed (m/min)44
cable length (ft)425cable length (m)130
Triplex Water Pump Triplex Water Pump 
Max pressure (psi)750Max pressure (bar)52
Max flow (gpm)70Max flow (L/min)265
Breakout Breakout 
Max Clamp force (lbf)21,000Clamp force (kN)93.41
Breakout torque (ft-lb)13,500Breakout torque (N-m)18304
Min Casing size compatible (in)2Min Casing size compatible (mm)51
Max Casing size compatible (in)14Max Casing size compatible (mm)356
Vertical travel (in)9Vertical travel (mm)229
Rod Handler Rod Handler 
Min Casing size compatible (in)3.5Min Casing size compatible (mm)89
Max Casing size compatible (in)9.63Max Casing size compatible (mm)245
Arm travel (degrees)163Arm travel (degrees)163
Wrist travel (degrees)38Wrist travel (degrees)38


Click on a section below to view information.

In a wide range of formations, a single sonic drilling rig can quickly provide continuous, undisturbed core samples to impressive depths while preserving the option for setting wells - often at less cost per foot.

ID: 14155 | Date:

There are many advantages with the Geoprobe® Sonic Drilling System including training, service, peace of mind, ease, mobility, safety, efficiency, and options.

ID: 14032 | Date:

Using a Geoprobe® 8150LS rotary sonic, GeoTek Alaska drills at -38 degrees Fahrenheit in alluvial sands and gravels of the Tanana Basin near Fairbanks, Alaska...

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Rather than continue turning down job requests because they didn’t have a sonic rig, M&W Drilling (MWD) in Knoxville, Tennessee, decided two years ago it was time to get into sonic drilling...

ID: 5270 | Date:

To complete primarily environmental, geothermal and cathodic drilling, EWI’s Springfield office started with two Geoprobe® 6620s...

ID: 5166 | Date:

Depend on Team Geoprobe®

Since 1987, Geoprobe® has manufactured innovative drilling rigs and tooling - engineered for efficiency and safety - simplifying drillers’ jobs and empowering their companies to succeed as productive and profitable leaders in the industry. When you partner with Geoprobe® you receive:

Customer-inspired Innovation

Engineering and building industry-leading drilling rigs, tooling, and techniques for the technical driller based on your needs to work safer and more efficiently.

Exceptional Value

Ensuring drilling rigs and tooling are created in conjunction – with consistent quality – to collect the highest-quality information with the most accurate result to get you to, into, and through the job efficiently.

Superior Service

Equipping you to do your best job and keeping you in the field via one-on-one expert sales and service technicians manning live support phone lines, shipping necessary parts same-day.