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Light Weight Center Drill Rods

Light Weight Center Drill Rods

These light weight center drill rods help eliminate operator fatigue and are easier to use (because of the weight) when working with Geoprobe® dual tube samplers and the Macro-Core® Center Rod system. The deeper the sampling event, the more benefit from the reduced weight. There's also less weight to carry on the probe machines.

Geoprobe® Light Weight Center Drill Rods were designed for use with the DT22, DT325, and MC5 Center Rod Sampling Systems only. Each 48-in., 1.25 in. OD Center Drill Rod weighs 4.4 lb. (2 kg). Light weight center drill rods are also available in 60-in. lengths that weigh 4.86 lb. (2.2 kg) each.  

Uses for Geoprobe® 1.25 in. Light Weight Center Drill Rods

Note: Light Weight Center Drill Rods are not designed to be used as probe rods. They should only be used as center rods and should not be used directly under the hammer.

Key Features

  • Sampling can be completed faster.
  • Field Operator expends less energy lifting/moving rods.
  • Probe machine carries less weight in tools.

Tooling Links

Using the Geoprobe® light-weight center drill rods, I was able to dual tube (DT21) 300 feet per day on average, and on one occasion, 500 feet in one day.

- Rob Mores, Owner, Enviro Dynamics LLC, Indiana


Light Weight Center Drill Rods

Light Weight Center Drill Rods