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Frost Augers

There is something for just about everyone in our solid drill auger line of equipment. Use a 2.5-inch drill auger with your GH40 hammer to open a probe hole through a frost layer, asphalt, or compacted surface fills. When the layer has been penetrated, remove the drill auger and begin probing. .

Frost & Solid Drill Auger Sizes

  • 2.5 in. Frost Augers for GH60 Hammers
  • 2.5 in. Frost Augers for GH40 Hammers
  • 4.5 in. Frost Augers for GH60 Hammers

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Frost Auger Connecting Pin

For 13/16 in. Hex

MN: 213805

2.5 in. Frost Auger

48 in., 13/16 in. Hex Box

MN: 213804

Frost Auger Hex Stub Connector

13/16 in. Hex Pin x X 13/16 in. Hex Pin

MN: 213807

Frost Auger Adapter

GH40 Series, 13/16 in. Hex

MN: 213806

Anvil Retainer Cap

GH40 Series

MN: 213964

Frost Auger Big

Two Prong

MN: 213803

Frost Auger Connecting Pin

For 13/16 in. Hex

MN: 213805

2.5 in. Frost Auger

48 in., 13/16 in. Hex Box

MN: 213804

Frost Auger Hex Stub Connector

13/16 in. Hex Pin x X 13/16 in. Hex Pin

MN: 213807

Frost Auger Adapter

GH40 Series, 13/16 in. Hex

MN: 213806

Anvil Retainer Cap

GH40 Series

MN: 213964

Frost Auger Big

Two Prong

MN: 213803