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You’ve landed on the home page of The Probing Times, the official publication of Geoprobe Systems®.  It’s a great place to start when you want to know what’s happening with all things Geoprobe®!  Inside you’ll find information on new Geoprobe® products and equipment, machine features, project stories from Geoprobe® customers, service information, photos of Geoprobe® events, and the newest inductees to the Geoprobe® 100 Club.  There’s a wide sampling of all types of environmental, geotechnical and mining exploration projects completed all over the world.

If you’d like to submit a story where Geoprobe® equipment was used or if you’ve qualified for the ‘Geoprobe 100 Club’, please contact us at 

We’re always looking for great stories!

Call Lori at 1-785-825-1842 to sign up for your free printed subscription.


Contact Us

1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842