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Applications by Geoprobe®

Versatile Drilling Rig for Various Drilling Applications

Whether you specialize in a single drilling application or offer a variety of service lines, you’re likely to find a Geoprobe® drilling rig and tooling system suited to making your job faster and easier. Common applications for a Geoprobe® rig or tooling system include:

Guided by feedback from the field and focused on producing the best possible soil probing and drilling equipment, our team of skilled engineers and craftsman develop and test new and innovative products for the drilling industry. From rotary drilling, percussion drilling, and sonic drilling our goal is to help you succeed. Our drilling rig engineers work at arm’s length from our tooling engineers, sharing office and shop space to create a synergy ultimately benefitting you, the end user.

Rest assured your purchase of a Geoprobe® drilling rig or tooling system will stand the test of time and with same-day shipping on most parts, you can minimize inventory. You’ll be supported by our industry-leading customer service to help troubleshoot anything from sampling techniques to service concerns. When a rig and tooling system are designed, built, and supported as one, the end result is a highly refined system that benefits field users, business owners, and project managers.

With drill rig service shops in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida and Kansas, you’ll have service support nearby for your routine maintenance or more in-depth drill rig remounting and refurbishment work. Our service technicians are backed by our team of engineers to ensure solutions not bandaids to issues. And our production processes mean your drilling rig and tooling system is constructed consistently and tested thoroughly to ensure easier service support.

Need to discuss the best drilling rig or tooling option for your company?  Give us a call.

Our customer service team thrives on discussing with drillers their particular job or business goals to determine the best drilling rig and most appropriate tooling for required samples. Our goal is to help make your tough job faster, safer, and easier. Partner with us and we'll work to decrease your time on the job while increasing your family time.

Contact Us

1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842

“Geoprobe® keeps refining and improving their offerings. There’s been a shift in available drilling staff and what they’re willing to run as well as safety protocols. They took care of all the little details to make things easier in the field. The drilling rig is better suited for the mindset of today’s field crews. It’s a safer option than other drilling rigs.”

Dave Harness, Project Manager, Alt & Witzig Engineering, Indiana

Who is Geoprobe®

  • Above ground storage tank investigation
  • Aircraft fueling station inspections
  • Air rotary drilling
  • Aggregate exploration
  • Agriculture run off investigation
  • Alternative fuels exploration
  • Anchoring systems
  • Angle borings
  • Angle hole augering
  • Angle hole direct push
  • Animal feedlot soil sampling
  • Anode installations
  • Aquifer exploration
  • Aquifer studies
  • Aquifer monitoring
  • Augering
  • Aviation gasoline investigation
  • Barge sampling
  • Basement sampling
  • Bedrock core sampling
  • Bentonite injections
  • Biological water contaminants
  • Bladder pumps
  • Boreholes
  • Bottom-up tremie grouting
  • Bridge evaluations
  • Bridge replacement
  • Brownfield assessments
  • Building vapor intrusion
  • Casing advancement
  • Cased hole sampling
  • Cathodic protection installation
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons delineation
  • Chlorinated solvents investigations
  • Chlorinated solvents migration pathway investigation
  • Commercial property assessments
  • Compaction grouting
  • Competent rock verification
  • Concrete coring
  • Concrete footings evaluation
  • Conductivity logging
  • Cone penetration testing
  • CPT
  • Confirmation sampling
  • Confirmatory sampling for geotechnical
  • Confirmatory sampling for injection
  • Construction drilling
  • Contained soil collection
  • Contamination delineation
  • Contaminant flow delineation
  • Contaminant migration pathway delineation
  • Contaminated plume tracking and mapping
  • Contaminated site delineation
  • Continuous core sampling
  • Continuous soil borings
  • Corrective action investigations
  • Determining depth to bedrock
  • De-watering installations
  • Direct push drilling
  • Direct push training
  • Direct push field demonstrations
  • Direct push sampling
  • Direct push training
  • Discrete groundwater sampling
  • Discrete soil sampling
  • DOT Sampling
  • Dry cleaner site investigations
  • Dry cleaning solvent assessment
  • Dual Tube Sampling
  • Earthen dam investigations
  • Earthquake studies
  • Electrical conductivity logging
  • Environmental baseline sampling
  • Environmental drilling
  • Environmental investigations
  • Environmental logging
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Environmental monitoring at refineries
  • Environmental remediation
  • Environmental soil sampling
  • Environmental studies
  • Environmental water sampling
  • Erosion of berms, banks, dams
  • Explosives placement
  • Explosives contaminated groundwater sampling
  • Explosives contaminated soil sampling
  • Extraction wells
  • Feedlot waste containment
  • Feedlot contamination studies
  • Field demonstrations
  • Fill materials sampling
  • Forestry sampling
  • Foundations testing
  • Free product detection
  • Fuel plume monitoring
  • Gas station contaminated plume definition
  • Geo-construction drilling
  • Geologic characterization
  • Geologic formation classification
  • Geologic explorations
  • Geological field studies
  • Geophysical surveys
  • Geophysical data collection
  • Geotechnical investigations
  • Geotechnical sampling
  • Geotechnical surveys
  • Geothermal drilling
  • Golf course maintenance
  • Grab sampling
  • Groundwater delineation
  • Groundwater gradient studies
  • Groundwater interface sampling
  • Groundwater modeling and remediation
  • Groundwater monitoring
  • Groundwater plume mapping
  • Groundwater profiling
  • Groundwater sampling
  • Grouting and materials injection
  • HSA monitoring well installation
  • Harsh remediation compounds injection
  • Heap leach sampling
  • High-pressure grouting and injection
  • Hole abandonment
  • Hollow stem augering
  • Home heating oil tank investigations
  • Home heating oil tank removal
  • HPT
  • Hydraulic conductivity logging
  • Hydrocarbon characterization
  • Hydrocarbon detection
  • Hydro-fraction drilling
  • Hydrogeological studies and research
  • Indoor geotechnical surveys
  • Injection wells
  • In situ remediation
  • Jet fuel contamination investigation
  • Lake bottom sampling
  • Lake sediment sampling
  • Landfill cap sampling
  • Landfill gas extraction wells
  • Landfill gas sampling
  • Landfill management
  • Landfill materials screening
  • Landfill site investigations
  • Liquefaction evaluation
  • Limited access probing
  • Limited access drilling
  • Limited access sampling
  • Liquefaction analysis
  • Lithology data collection
  • Lithology mapping
  • Low Flow sampling
  • Low turbidity groundwater sampling
  • Macro Core sampling
  • Manual sampling
  • Manufacturing facility plume delineation
  • Membrane interface probe
  • MIP
  • Mine infilling and rehabilitation
  • Mine tailings investigations
  • Mine tailings pile sampling
  • Mineral exploration
  • Mineral prospecting
  • Mini piles
  • Mining exploration
  • Monitoring well development and purging
  • Monitoring well installation
  • Monitoring well location determination
  • Monitoring well placement guidance
  • Mud rotary drilling
  • Municipal well field contamination investigation
  • Multi-cased wells
  • Multi-level wells
  • NAPL/DNAPL investigations
  • Natural gas leak detection
  • Nested vapor implants installation
  • Oilfield groundwater delineation
  • Oilfield mud pit monitoring
  • Oilfield mud pit closures
  • Oilfield soil delineation
  • Oil storage terminal remediation
  • Overburden drilling
  • PCE TCE investigations
  • Pavement cutting
  • Percussion drilling
  • Percussion probing
  • Permafrost drilling
  • Permafrost sampling
  • Permanent implant installation
  • Permanent monitoring well installation
  • Petroleum contaminant identification
  • Petroleum contaminated soil sampling
  • Piezometer installation
  • Phase I investigations
  • Phase II investigations
  • Phase III investigations
  • Piezometer installations
  • Pipeline leak detection
  • Pipeline regulatory compliance programs
  • Placer gold exploration
  • Plume delineation and mapping
  • Pneumatic slug testing
  • Preliminary infrastructure data collection
  • Post-compaction cone penetration testing
  • Potassium permanganate injection
  • Pre-compaction cone penetration testing
  • Pre-coring dense soils
  • Preferential migration pathway location
  • Prepack monitoring well installation
  • Prepack screen monitoring wells
  • Prestabilizing holes for tunnels
  • Property audits and assessments
  • Public water supply investigations
  • Radon Testing and Remediation
  • Railway contamination control
  • Railroad spur testing
  • Railway right-of-way investigations
  • RCRA facility assessments
  • RCRA facility investigations
  • Real estate phase 1 transactions
  • Recovery wells
  • Refinery regulatory compliance programs
  • Regulatory compliance programs
  • Remedial feasibility studies
  • Remedial investigations
  • Remediation materials injection
  • Residential property assessments
  • Riverbed sampling
  • Rock coring
  • Rock drilling
  • Root studies sampling
  • Rural groundwater contaminant detection
  • Saltwater intrusion
  • Sand seam mapping
  • Sand and gravel exploration
  • Sand and gravel outwash identification
  • Seawall Investigation
  • Seismic cone penetration testing
  • Seismic shot hole
  • Shallow direct push sampling
  • Shallow monitoring well installation
  • Shallow Oil and Gas Exploration
  • Shallow mining exploration
  • Shallow sampling
  • Shear wave velocity measurement
  • Shelby tube surface sampling
  • Shoreline contamination delineation
  • Shoreline sampling
  • Sinkhole evaluations
  • Site lithology determination
  • Slab jacking
  • Slope indicator installations
  • Slug pond stabilization data acquisition
  • Slug testing
  • Small platform machines
  • Soil and materials investigation
  • Soil classification
  • Soil confirmation studies
  • Soil delineation
  • Soil gas sampling
  • Soil hydraulic properties profiling and mapping
  • Soil identification and classification
  • Soil improvement
  • Soils mapping and interpretation
  • Soil pH testing
  • Soil profiling
  • Soil property measurement
  • Soil pressure response measurement
  • Soil sampling
  • Soil stabilization
  • Soil vapor extraction
  • Soil vapor intrusion measurement
  • Soil vapor sampling
  • Soil vapor implant screen installation
  • Sparge point installation
  • Sparge well installation
  • Split barrel sampling
  • Split spoon sampling
  • Standard penetration testing
  • Static water level data collection
  • Static water level condition measurement
  • Steam injection for remediation
  • Subsurface analysis
  • Subsurface conductivity logging
  • Subsurface fertilizer absorption
  • Subsurface instrumentation installation
  • Subsurface stratigraphy determination
  • Superfund site sampling
  • Tailings pile groundwater investigation
  • TCE plume monitoring and delineation
  • Temperature monitoring equipment installations
  • Tidal sampling
  • Tie-back installations
  • Tunnel pre-drilling
  • Tunnel verification
  • Unconsolidated sediment investigations
  • Undisturbed sampling
  • Underground storage tank investigation and removal
  • Underground storage tank leak detection
  • UST leak detection
  • UST monitoring
  • UST site investigations
  • UST site long term monitoring
  • Unlithified materials exploration
  • Uranium contamination plume investigation
  • Vapor extraction
  • Vapor intrusion studies
  • Vapor intrusion sampling
  • Vapor sampling
  • Vertical groundwater sampling
  • VOC contamination delineation
  • Warehouse  foundation stabilization
  • Water profiling
  • Water quality profiling and monitoring
  • Water supply wells investigation
  • Water wells
  • Well screen interval selection
  • Wet and dry tailings investigations
  • Wind farm foundation footings investigation
  • Watershed monitoring
  • Watershed hydrology
Many of the field applications listed above are unique to specific geographic regions of the world and may not be universally applicable for all site locations. The Geoprobe® technical support team is known for supporting unique projects with cost-effective solutions. Contact Geoprobe Systems® today for solutions to your subsurface challenges. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, we’ll help you find the solution.

Centerline head side shift and hands-free controls trim time between techniques while enabling expansion beyond geotechnical drilling.

Versatile drill rigs with surprising power to weight ratio and fuel-saving hydraulics for efficient environmental drilling.

Versatile and compact track-mounted drill rigs efficiently complete a variety of exploration drilling methods.

Compact, powerful tophead drive water well drilling rigs maximize production while minimizing maintenance.

Rigs engineered for durability and easy maintenance stand up to the production pace of geothermal drilling.

Compact, versatile construction drilling equipment efficiently complete an array of construction drilling projects.

Depend on Team Geoprobe®

Since 1987, Geoprobe® has manufactured innovative drilling rigs and tooling - engineered for efficiency and safety - simplifying drillers’ jobs and empowering their companies to succeed as productive and profitable leaders in the industry. When you partner with Geoprobe® you receive:

Customer-inspired Innovation

Engineering and building industry-leading drilling rigs, tooling, and techniques for the technical driller based on your needs to work safer and more efficiently.

Exceptional Value

Ensuring drilling rigs and tooling are created in conjunction – with consistent quality – to collect the highest-quality information with the most accurate result to get you to, into, and through the job efficiently.

Superior Service

Equipping you to do your best job and keeping you in the field via one-on-one expert sales and service technicians manning live support phone lines, shipping necessary parts same-day.