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Soil Gas Sampling

The Post Run Tubing (PRT) soil vapor extraction systems are an ideal tool for locating and delineating contaminated areas when used properly. It allows the user to collect soil vapor samples quickly and easily at the desired sampling depth WITHOUT the time-consuming complications associated with rod leakage and contamination. O-ring connections enable the PRT soil vapor extraction systems to deliver a vacuum-tight seal that prevents sample contamination from UP hole, and assures that the sample is taken from the desired depth at the BOTTOM of the hole. The sample is drawn through the point holder, through the adapter, and into the sample tubing. The tubing can be replaced after each sample, thus eliminating sample carryover problems and the need to decontaminate the probe rods.  The resulting time-savings translates into a higher productivity rate for you and your client.

The PRT is inserted AFTER the probe rods are driven to depth.

Advantages of the PRT soil vapor extraction systems include...

  • Increases speed and accuracy of soil gas sampling.
  • Eliminates problems associated with rod leakage and sample carryover.
  • Utilizes simple design for ease of use and vacuum-tight probing.
  • Sampling train and all connections can be checked to verify leak-free status.
  • Requires no management of inner tubing during probing.

PRT Soil Vapor Extraction Systems Applications:

  • Rapidly define the extent of VOC contamination in the subsurface, under appropriate conditions.
  • Rapidly define potential source areas of VOC contamination over large or small areas.
  • Determine the types of VOC contamination present in the subsurface at a facility.
  • Rapidly define the potential extent of groundwater contamination and down gradient migration of VOC's under appropriate conditions.
  • Determine presence, extent, concentration, and types of landfill gasses (methane, carbon dioxide, et.) present in the subsurface at active and abandoned landfills.
  • Locate potential sources and delineate plumes of perchloroethylene (PCE) associated with active or abandoned dry cleaning facilities.
  • Locate potential source and delineate plumes of carbon tetrachloride (CCI4) associated with active or abandoned grain storage facilities.
  • Locate potential sources and delineate plumes of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) associated with active or abandoned gasoline storage facilities [both underground storage tanks (UST) and aboveground storage tanks (AST)].
  • Locate potential sources and delineate plumes of chlorinated solvents, including compounds such as trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, dichloroethane, and dichloroethylene, associated with active or abandoned facilities where degreasing or metal plastic parts cleaning operations were conducted.

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1.5 in. Probe Rod

60 in.

MN: 201682

1.5 in. Probe Rod

48 in.

MN: 202248

1.5 in. Probe Rod

36 in.

MN: 207261

1.5 in. Probe Rod

24 in.

MN: 202715

1.5 in. Probe Rod

12 in.

MN: 202714

1.5 in. Probe Rod

6 in.

MN: 205222

1.5 in. Probe Rod

1 m

MN: 203193

1.25 in. Probe Rod

60 in.

MN: 213773

1.25 in. Probe Rod

48 in.

MN: 213769

1.25 in. Probe Rod

36 in.

MN: 213762

1.25 in. Probe Rod

24 in.

MN: 213758

1.25 in. Probe Rod

12 in.

MN: 213753

1.25 in. Probe Rod

6 in.

MN: 213752

1.25 in. Probe Rod

1 m

MN: 213763

1.0 in. Expendable Steel Point

1.1 in. OD

MN: 213778

1.0 in. Expendable Steel Point

1.1 in. OD, Quantity: 100

MN: 213781

PRT Adapter

For 3/16 in. ID Tubing

MN: 214208

PRT Adapter

For 1/4 in. ID Tubing

MN: 214211

PRT Adapter

For 1/8 in. ID Tubing

MN: 214203

LDPE Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 500 ft.

MN: 601062

PE Tubing

3/8 in. OD x 1/4 in. ID x 500 ft.

MN: 601063

Teflon Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 50 ft.

MN: 214253

Teflon Tubing

5/16 in. OD x 1/4 in. ID X 50 ft.

MN: 601064

Teflon Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 1/8 in. ID x 50 ft.

MN: 601057

Nylon Grout Tubing

3/8 in. OD x 1/4 in. ID x 100 ft.

MN: 600144

O-Ring (MBP/MSP Adapters)

Quantity: 25

MN: 214210

O-Ring (1.0 in. Expendable Point)

Quantity: 25

MN: 213782

O-Ring (Gas Sampling Cap 1.25 in.)

Quantity: 25

MN: 213776

Gas Sampling Cap

1.25 in. Box, For 1/4 in. ID Tubing

MN: 213775

1.5 in. Probe Rod

60 in.

MN: 201682

1.5 in. Probe Rod

48 in.

MN: 202248

1.5 in. Probe Rod

36 in.

MN: 207261

1.5 in. Probe Rod

24 in.

MN: 202715

1.5 in. Probe Rod

12 in.

MN: 202714

1.5 in. Probe Rod

6 in.

MN: 205222

1.5 in. Probe Rod

1 m

MN: 203193

1.25 in. Probe Rod

60 in.

MN: 213773

1.25 in. Probe Rod

48 in.

MN: 213769

1.25 in. Probe Rod

36 in.

MN: 213762

1.25 in. Probe Rod

24 in.

MN: 213758

1.25 in. Probe Rod

12 in.

MN: 213753

1.25 in. Probe Rod

6 in.

MN: 213752

1.25 in. Probe Rod

1 m

MN: 213763

1.0 in. Expendable Steel Point

1.1 in. OD

MN: 213778

1.0 in. Expendable Steel Point

1.1 in. OD, Quantity: 100

MN: 213781

PRT Adapter

For 3/16 in. ID Tubing

MN: 214208

PRT Adapter

For 1/4 in. ID Tubing

MN: 214211

PRT Adapter

For 1/8 in. ID Tubing

MN: 214203

LDPE Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 500 ft.

MN: 601062

PE Tubing

3/8 in. OD x 1/4 in. ID x 500 ft.

MN: 601063

Teflon Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 50 ft.

MN: 214253

Teflon Tubing

5/16 in. OD x 1/4 in. ID X 50 ft.

MN: 601064

Teflon Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 1/8 in. ID x 50 ft.

MN: 601057

Nylon Grout Tubing

3/8 in. OD x 1/4 in. ID x 100 ft.

MN: 600144

O-Ring (MBP/MSP Adapters)

Quantity: 25

MN: 214210

O-Ring (1.0 in. Expendable Point)

Quantity: 25

MN: 213782

O-Ring (Gas Sampling Cap 1.25 in.)

Quantity: 25

MN: 213776

Gas Sampling Cap

1.25 in. Box, For 1/4 in. ID Tubing

MN: 213775