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DRILLMAX® by Geoprobe® Cathodic Protection by Geoprobe®

Confidence for Cathodic Protection Installation

Since the 1930s, cathodic protection installation has been used to ensure the safety and integrity of pipeline systems. In the simplest form of cathodic protection installation, bore holes are drilled to place metal rods, called anodes, which are connected and placed in ground beds along the pipeline. Charged by an electric current, the anodes become more susceptible to corrosion, bearing the burden of the corrosion in order to protect the buried pipe and develop cathodic protection for pipeline.

Designed with reliability and serviceability in mind, DRILLMAX® cathodic protection rigs by Geoprobe® are well suited for cathodic protection installation where site access is often heavily restricted. Rest easy knowing your rig can complete the cathodic protection for pipeline on time, without creating additional mess or needing to schedule a return to the site due to breakdowns.

Don't see a rig feature you're looking for to complete cathodic protection?  Give us a call.

Our team of engineers thrives on collaborating with drillers while they continually innovate new designs for our cathodic protection rigs. Our goal is to help maximize your success by making your cathodic protection installation job faster, safer, and easier. Partner with us and we'll work to decrease your downtime while increasing your family time.

Contact Us

1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842

“We have the pressure to lift heavy cuttings out of the hole. We’re able to muscle in the cathodic protection wells hole to depth and clean up afterwards.”

Skyler Wilson, operations manager, PanTerra Energy, Colorado

DRILLMAX® DM450 Overview

DRILLMAX® by Geoprobe® cathodic protection equipment provides reliability for cathodic protection installation and for cathodic protection wells boring.

Cathodic Protection Drilling Rigs

Designed with reliability and serviceability in mind, DRILLMAX® drill rigs by Geoprobe® are well suited for the cathodic protection drilling industry where site access is often heavily restricted

Depend on Team Geoprobe®

Since 1987, Geoprobe® has manufactured innovative drilling rigs and tooling - engineered for efficiency and safety - simplifying drillers’ jobs and empowering their companies to succeed as productive and profitable leaders in the industry. When you partner with Geoprobe® you receive:

Customer-inspired Innovation

Engineering and building industry-leading drilling rigs, tooling, and techniques for the technical driller based on your needs to work safer and more efficiently.

Exceptional Value

Ensuring drilling rigs and tooling are created in conjunction – with consistent quality – to collect the highest-quality information with the most accurate result to get you to, into, and through the job efficiently.

Superior Service

Equipping you to do your best job and keeping you in the field via one-on-one expert sales and service technicians manning live support phone lines, shipping necessary parts same-day.