Whether you’re facing consolidated materials, glacial till, or backfill rubble, quickly complete complex holes to greater depths with the powerful GV5 50K sonic head on our line of sonic drill rigs. Engineered by Geoprobe® to advance up to 12-inch tooling, the GV5 produces torque required to maintain rotation in tight formations – all backed by a 3-year warranty.
With rig service shops in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Florida, you’ll have industry-leading sonic drill rig service support nearby for your routine maintenance or more in-depth rig remounting and refurbishment work - keeping your sonic drill rig in the field earning dollars. Our service technicians are backed by our team of engineers to ensure solutions not bandaids to issues. And our production processes mean your sonic drill rigs are constructed consistently and tested thoroughly to ensure easier service support.
Engineered with safety, efficiency, and accuracy in mind, investing in a Geoprobe® sonic drill rig provides quick success in challenging sites, aligning pricing with production to create profit in the sonic market.
Our dedicated sonic drill rig team of engineers and technicians can help you evaluate how sonic can service your current customers and help you gain footing with new clients. And with used and rent-to-purchase options, we can help meet your price point.
Contact Us
1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842
“If you’ve been in the drilling business long enough – a day – you realize how important service is. The service support and remote diagnostics are priceless. If you’re broken down anywhere in the country, a Geoprobe® service technician can tell you exactly what you need to do.”
Robert Keyes, President, Associated Environmental Industries, Oklahoma
Quickly provide continuous, undisturbed core samples to impressive depths utilizing 20-foot tooling with the 8250LS sonic drill rig.
Increase depth advancement and recovery speeds while minimizing waste with the 8150LS sonic drilling rig engineered for driller safety, sampling speed, and operation efficiency.
Simplify sonic drilling using self-propelled sonic rod carrier with dual quick-attach 10-foot rod magazines.
Since 1987, Geoprobe® has manufactured innovative drilling rigs and tooling - engineered for efficiency and safety - simplifying drillers’ jobs and empowering their companies to succeed as productive and profitable leaders in the industry. When you partner with Geoprobe® you receive:
Engineering and building industry-leading drilling rigs, tooling, and techniques for the technical driller based on your needs to work safer and more efficiently.
Ensuring drilling rigs and tooling are created in conjunction – with consistent quality – to collect the highest-quality information with the most accurate result to get you to, into, and through the job efficiently.
Equipping you to do your best job and keeping you in the field via one-on-one expert sales and service technicians manning live support phone lines, shipping necessary parts same-day.