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Below is an alphabetical list of contractors who own and operate Geoprobe® Direct Image® equipment and are able to perform some level of direct sensing. They may have equipment to perform some or all Geoprobe® DI services.

Direct Image® contractors listed here have been formally trained by Geoprobe Systems® or one of our authorized representatives on the proper operation of DI equipment. Geoprobe® maintains within the SOP of each system that QA testing must be performed before and after each log by the operator. QA testing ensures that the equipment is operating properly and provides validity to the logs.  It is the recommendation of Geoprobe Systems® that the hiring firm requests current system performance data from the potential MIP service providers to ensure the system is capable of detecting specific target compounds and achieving site requirements.

United States

BGS specializes in the operation of the following direct sensing equipment: MIP, LL MIP, HPT, EC, HPT-GW and CPT. BGS is the Midwest’s Premier Direct Push Services Company.  BGS also offers other environmental support services including direct push soil sampling; direct push groundwater and soil vapor collection; installation of monitoring wells using direct push and traditional auger methods; remediation; well repair; and utility locating (potholing with air knife).

BGS Logo


Mike Ocsody


United States

Cascade is the leading provider of environmental drilling, in situ remediation applications, and high resolution site characterization in the United States. Our vision is to integrate technology, safety, sustainability and human potential to tackle the challenging environmental and geotechnical issues facing our clients.

Service Capabilities: Cascade offers a full array of Geoprobe® Direct Image® services including Electrical Conductivity (EC), Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Low Level Membrane Interface Probe (LL-MIP), Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Combined Membrane Interface Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MiHPT), and Hydraulic Profiling Tool – Groundwater Sampler (HPT-GW). These services are bolstered by Cascade’s collaborative work plan design process prior to projects, data imaging capabilities using EVS software, and Cascade’s ability to support the planning and implementation of remediation projects.

Cascade operates two NELAP-certified (NY, NJ and FL) and DoD/ELAP-certified mobile laboratories. Groundwater quality profiling and bedrock sampling and analytical services are provided through our WaterlooAPS TM and COREDFN TM technologies, respectively.  



Brad Carlson


United States

COLUMBIA Technologies is a world-wide deployable specialty provider of rapid, real time SmartData Solutions® including a complete toolbox of Direct Image® and other high resolution site characterization technologies. We have systems deployed throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. Each of our degreed field geochemists average over 25 years of field geochemistry experience. Our goal is to collaboratively engage with environmental, legal, and property professionals to efficiently and cost-effectively develop, implement, and monitor your appropriate site remediation strategy.

Columbia Technologies


John Sohl


United States

"Better information, better decisions" has been the ConeTec motto since the inception of the company in 1985. ConeTec is an international site investigation contractor and the largest CPT provider in North America, operating a fleet of purpose-built direct push platforms including truck and track-mounted, amphibious, heli-portable and limited access units. ConeTec also operates a large fleet of rotary and sonic drilling equipment. 

ConeTec's HRSC program includes van-mounted and portable Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Low Level Membrane Interface Probe (LLMIP), Optical Interface Probe (OIP), Ultraviolet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST), Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), and Electrical Conductivity (EC) systems. ConeTec also offers Pneumatic Slug Testing, in situ Gamma profiling and high quality soil, groundwater and soil gas sampling.

Combination tooling available:

CPT/MIP/HPT/EC                    CPT/UVOST/HP                    MiHPT/EC                    OiHPT/EC

ConeTec Logo


Clayton Bartholomew


United States

Dakota Technologies provides state-of-the-art products and services for hazardous waste site investigations, specializing in the rapid site assessment of subsurface LNAPL and multi-component DNAPL. We are a leading international service provider of a full and expanding suite of High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) technologies. These technologies are offered on all direct push platforms, including both percussion and cone penetration test (CPT) rigs.

Service Capabilities: HRSC services include

  • Ultra Violet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST®)
  • Tar-specific Green Optical Screening Tool (TarGOST®)
  • Dye-enhanced Laser Induced Fluorescence (DyeLIF™)
  • Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT)
  • Membrane Interface Probe (MIP)
  • MIP combined with HPT (MiHpt)

Dakota also combines the LIF and hydraulic profiling technologies into integrated tools, enabling users to collect high resolution hydrostratigraphic profile data simultaneously with UVOST, TarGOST and DyeLIF data. Our advanced data analysis services are available for all LIF projects, and our 2D and 3D data visualization services support our clients’ development of conceptual site models.

In addition to full service HRSC capabilities, Dakota also provides direct push soil and ground water sampling and hollow-stem auger services using all-terrain and truck-mounted equipment, and is a licensed monitoring well installation contractor in Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, South Dakota, and West Virginia.

Dakota Technologies


Jim Dzubay


United States

Direct Push Analytical Corp. is known as the “Professional Grade” Geoprobe Service Provider which has been tested since 1996 and measured with a 9.35 Customer Service Rating out of 10.00, having worked on over 5,760 projects in 27 different States.  Direct Push Analytical is Nimble and Strategic to Your Success.

 With Chicago and Cincinnati Regional Offices, we can cover a lot of ground.  With (3) MIP setups, traditional & off-road carrier units, we arrive onsite with the tools and knowledge to keep projects moving via redundant systems, a double purge station, and extra pre-strung rods/trunklines, ready for quick change-outs should it be necessary.  Laboratory-prepared and pre-measured Chemical Standards for QA/QC checks; Audio/Visual Conferencing with rapid data transmission enabling in-office decisions; and RTK-corrected GPS fixes via Trimble Unit are part of our recipe for your success.

Currently (4) Track Rigs or (4) Truck/Van Mounted DPA Owned & Operated Geoprobes to use on your projects, depending on site specific and scope needs.  Our (7) Operators have nearly 90 years combined drilling experience!

Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) & Low-Level MIP with Electrical Conductivity (EC) for VOC’s & DNAPL, operated by Geologists or Environmental Scientists.  

Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) for KValues and better-defined Lithology when coupled with above (MIHPT).

Full array of ECD, XSD, PID, FID Detectors to meet your field operation requirements.

Added services enabling use of separate onsite GC for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Chemical Speciation with Parts per Billion (ppb) detection of most encountered contaminants (chlorinated solvents and straight-chain hydrocarbon).

Direct Push Analytical


Bryan Kinzer


United States

Eagle Synergistic Optimizing Technologies, LLC is a leading national provider of High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) and subsurface imaging services.  Eagle Synergistic purposely owns no direct push rigs, but teams up with your local DPT operators to save on mob costs. Primarily, this ensures that we are “specialized” in HRSC subsurface imaging. We purposely do not have a mixed business model, so we can remain the experts in the field of HRSC and 3D modeling, which includes:

  • Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) with (EC) and (HPT) - for VOCs and DNAPL
  • Low-Level Membrane Interface Probe (LL-MIP) with (EC) and (HPT) – for ppb levels of VOCs
  • Optical Image Profiler (OIP) UV with (EC) and (HPT) – for fuel NAPL
  • OIP – G with (EC) and (HPT) - for creosote, coal tars, bunker fuels
  • Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) – estimated k values, lithology, permeability indicators
  • Discrete GWS and Hydraulic Profiler - useful for PFOAs and more for transmissivity intervals and continuous sampling

We have extensive experience on sites throughout North America ranging from USTs and dry cleaners to refineries, manufacturing facilities, DOD, and super fund sites. Our “specialized” team includes degreed geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, biologists, environmental scientists, hydrologists, and more.  In addition to our “specialized” field services, Eagle Synergistic also offers in house 3D modeling and visualizations to assist you in more informed remediation decisions.

Eagle Synergistic


Janet Castle, President
720-475-0022 WOSB


United States

Equus Environmental, LLC is a full-service environmental consulting firm that specializes in hydrogeological investigations and remediation strategies for both the private and public sectors.  Our staff of seasoned hydrogeologists and field technicians hold professional registrations and drilling licenses in multiple states.  Equus’ multi-disciplined personnel allow us to manage and conduct work at complex sites through all project phases; from assessment, through remediation, and to closure.  We excel in helping our clients understand and navigate the regulatory components that drive a project.

Our capabilities include, but are not limited to the following:

High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC)

  • ATV-mounted Direct Imaging (DI) equipment for greater mobility
  • Membrane Interface Probe (MIP)
  • Optical Imaging Profiler (OIP)
  • Electrical Conductivity (EC)
  • Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT)

Direct-push services

  • Geoprobe 7822DT Track-Mounted Rig
  • Soil, sediment and groundwater assessment and characterization
  • Design, installation, and operation of remediation systems
  • Electromagnetic conductivity soil surveys
  • Regulatory interaction and interpretation
  • Litigation support
Equus Environmental


Matthew N. Mugavero
(918) 519-9724


United States

Fugro, the world’s largest geotechnical and environmental site investigation company offers drilling, direct push sampling and Cone Penetrometer Testing including ROST, UVOST and MIP screening services throughout the United States. 





United States

GeoImaging Systems’ owner, hydrogeologist David Heicher has been in the environmental industry for 30 years and has 18 years of extensive experience operating High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) technologies at hundreds of sites across the USA and Australia.   With a background in environmental consulting as well, David is very knowledgeable in site characterization and remediation, and will assist all clients with Scope of Work (SOW) development, project management/execution, and data interpretation.

GeoImaging Systems currently offers the following technologies:

  • Membrane Interface/Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MIHPT)
  • Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT)
  • Optical Image/Hydraulic Profiling Tool (OIHPT-UV and OIHPT-G)
  • 2D/3D HRSC Data Visualization services
GeoImaging Systems


David Heicher


United States

Geoprobe Systems® is not a direct image service company but specializes in the manufacturing, development, operation and training of the following direct sensing equipment: EC, HPT, MIP, LL MIP, OIP-UV, OIP-G, GWP1.75, HPT-GWS, NMR and CPT.  Our postlog analysis software - DI Viewer will help you visualize your data and offers many features including elevation changes and importing user data sets like lab analytical to view along side your MIP or OIP data. We also offer a full line of drilling machines and tools to accompany your direct sensing needs whether for confirmation sampling, injection remediation or monitoring well installation we have the tools and equipment you need.

Geoprobe® DI


Dan Pipp


United States

Gregg Drilling and Testing (GDT) provides Environmental and Geotechnical solutions to environmental consultants and government agencies worldwide. GDT provides the most experienced personal and equipment in the industry to support our clients with their projects. Gregg has developed tooling to provide our customers with information needed to identify their soil type and provide an understanding of contaminant distribution and porosity in one direct push advancement. 

GDT Combination of Tools:
2 MIHPT Systems with XSD, PID and FID detectors and 2 UVOST systems. 

Combination of Tools: 

CPT, MIP, HPT, Electrical Conductivity                                       MIP, HPT, Electrical Conductivity
CPT, MIP, HPT                                                                                MIP, Electrical Conductivity
CPT, MIP                                                                                         HPT, Electrical Conductivity
CPT, HPT                                                                                         UVOST, Electrical Conductivity
CPT, UVOST, Electrical Conductivity


Gregg Remediation


Jake Wilson - Northern California
(925) 313-5800

Brian Savela - Southern California
(562) 427-6899


United States

MATECO has been conducting high‐quality site characterization and in‐situ  remediation for environmental and engineering firms as well as geotechnical  investigations since 1974. We have a strong line of Direct Image tooling to aid firms  in different areas of concern and needs. Paired with state‐of‐the‐art drill rigs to  complement this tooling are a Geoprobe 2060 20‐ton weatherproof and climate‐ controlled Crawler, a 7822DT, 66 series rigs and a 540 mounted to an amphibious  Marsh Master. MATECO utilizes the MIP, HPT, EC, MIHPT, and CPT in different  configurations depending on the needs of our clients. Based in Michigan and  operating primarily in the Midwest, we look forward to assisting firms with their  environmental and geotechnical needs.

Mateco Drilling


Joe Klumpstra
616.863.6890 Ext #4


United States


Parratt-Wolff is a leading provider of environmental and geotechnical drilling services on the east coast of the United States. Since our incorporation in 1969 we have grown into an employee owned company of three offices utilizing over 40 major pieces of field equipment. We currently offer a wide array of services, allowing us to assist in all stages of site characterization and remediation. Current services include: soft dig, direct push, rotary and percussion drilling, well installation, well rehabilitation, injection and direct imaging services.

Direct imaging services include EC, HPT, MIP and MiHPT equipment. We offer UTV and van mounted GC setups for off road access or on road efficiency. With Geoprobe certified operators in each of our three offices and drillers licensed in all states along the East Coast we provide turn-key drilling services from initial site investigation to final implementation.

Parratt Wolff Inc.


Todd Muench


United States


Professional Technical Support Services, Inc. (Pro-Tech) has offered Direct Image services for nearly 20 years. We own the equipment necessary to execute and support Soil EC, HPT, MIP and CPT projects throughout the gulf states’ region. While most projects utilize single technologies, numerous ones integrate multiple technologies. Our Direct Image services compliment ¾” Slim Gamma Logging services within Geoprobe® rods and small diameter wells. We also own a variety of supporting equipment which allows us to deploy the technologies from various platforms in less than favorable ground & weather conditions.



Scott Bergeron


United States

S2C2 is an environmental services firm that focuses on providing High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) support. Our team comprises top environmental specialists and experts who possess a deep understanding of the industry's latest advancements and best practices, enabling us to provide innovative, customized solutions that outpace traditional approaches.   S2C2 has operated our direct-sensing division since 2000 and acquired our first MIP system in 2005.  We currently offer the following direct-sensing services:   Electrical Conductivity (EC), Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Low Level Membrane Interface Probe (LL MIP), Heated Trunkline MIP (HTL MIP), Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Membrane Interface Probe with Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MiHPT), and the Hydraulic Profiling Tool – Groundwater Sampler (HPT-GWS). In addition to providing direct-sensing services, 3-Dimensional Data Visualization (3DVA) and data management have also been a core component of S2C2’s service package since its founding. We have extensive experience creating advanced 3D Conceptual Site Models (CSM) for environmental Sites of all sizes and complexity.  Our data visualization team is one of the most experienced teams in the world at analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing direct-sensing data sets.   S2C2 is committed to working with our clients through all project phases—from initial proposal, through field implementation to project completion.  Contact us to discuss how our services can help you solve complex environmental problems.  

S2C2 Logo


Matthew Ruf
(908) 625-1073


United States


Stock Drilling Inc. is proud to be the first and only full service Sub-Surface Direct Imaging contractor in the state of Michigan. Through 2012 we have logged over 11,313 feet with our broad array of Sub-Surface Direct Imaging tools and ancillary equipment. Working on many different project types across the U.S. combined with a dedicated full time Sub-Surface Direct Imaging staff and our everyday field use of all current Sub-Surface Direct Imaging tools gives us a distinct advantage for the overall success of your project. Services Include: MIP, MIHPT, LL MIP, HPT, EC, HPT-GWS, LIF UVOST®, Gamma logging, HD Down-hole video and 2D/3D site modeling.

Stock Drilling


Jonathon Wiley


United States

Veteran Drilling is a leading provider of HRSC services on the West Coast. Veteran Drilling has over 20 years of experience providing HRSC services to environmental consultants and government agencies. We provide HRSC services on multiple platforms (CPT, Geoprobe Track Units, Geoprobe LAR). Veteran Drilling is unique in the aspect of providing 1 on 1 interaction on every HRSC project, providing detailed information and explanation of all the data. We provide data visualization on every HRSC project using CTECH’s EVS software allowing our customers to gain a visual understanding of the data.

HRSC Tooling:

  • Geoprobe MiHPT system with XSD, PID and FID
  • Geoprobe Low Level MiHPT System with XSD, PID and FID
  • Geoprobe OIP system
  • Geoprobe Groundwater Profiler
  • NOVA15 CPT system

Veteran Drilling is able to combine CPT with all the HRSC Tooling (exception of Groundwater Profiler)

Certifications: Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, Small Business Enterprise, Minority Owned Business

Veteran Drilling Logo


Frank Stolfi (President)


United States

The staff at Vista GeoScience have been conducting advanced site characterization and in-situ remediation for environmental consulting and engineering firms across the nation since 1986.  We offer the latest subsurface Direct Imaging (DI) tools available for High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) built into the most robust and portable configurations available.  Vista applies this HRSC data to Remedial Design Characterization and utilization of their advanced In-Situ Remediation application services.  Our services include:

  • MIP, LL-MIP, HPT, MiHPT, OiHPT, HPT-GWP or GWS, EC Borehole Logging
  • Natural Gamma Ray Logging
  • In-Situ Remediation Services; - Clean-Inject Remediation Systems
  • Permeability Enhanced Fracture & Reagent Placement
  • Geoprobe Dual-Technology (DPT/Auger) Sampling & Monitor Well Installation
  • 3D Visualization & Subsurface Imaging Interpretive Reports
  • Active & Passive Soil Gas Sampling with Data Interpretation

With 30+ years’ experience and a staff of NGWA and AIPG certified professional well drillers, geologists and scientists, we pride ourselves on engaging with client’s needs and building strong partnerships.  The client’s goals become our goals and we intend on seeing the project through successfully from inception to closure.

Vista GeoScience Logo


John Fontana
303-277-1694 x105


United States

Walker-Hill Environmental, Inc. (WHE) offers the most cost-effective direct sensing technologies for High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) or geoenvironmental investigations. WHE can deploy a combined CPT/MIHPT tool string for a complete picture of the subsurface lithology and VOC contaminate distribution utilizing our 20T CPT rig, which is equipped with the state of the art MIHPT equipment, including Low Level MIP (LLMIP).

HRSC Tooling Combinations:

CPT                                                                           (LL) MIHPT
CPT/(LL) MIHPT                                                     OIHPT
CPT/HPT                                                                  HPT
CPT/EC                                                                     EC

In addition to HRSC, WHE is a full-service drilling company with CPT, Sonic, Mud Rotary, HSA, and Direct Push Technology capabilities. WHE has the technology available to meet all the needs of your project.

Walker Hill Logo


Chris Hayslip


United States



SCG Industries Limited is a knowledge based environmental remediation service provider. Our continual focus on innovation enables us to provide exceptional services in response to our global clientele’s toughest environmental challenges.  Our Clients, have come to trust on our unique experience in assistance with impacted site characterization using MiHPT and LIF. Our Remediation allows us to integrate equipment design, manufacturing, installation, optimization and data analysis.  Through the use of cutting edge technologies, approaches and a wealth of experience SCG provides effective solutions for the management and remediation of contaminated sites. 





SAS is a dynamic young company that is based in Montréal, Québec. They provide the OIHPT service to consulting firms who are looking for high resolution data on their site characterizations anywhere in Eastern Canada.

Contact them for additional information and availabilities.



Gabriel Laflamme




Vertex Environmental Inc. is located in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.  Vertex is the first company in Canada to provide direct imaging services in the form of the Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Low Level Membrane Interface Probe (LLMIP) and the Ultra Violet Screening Tool (UVOST) as complementing technologies for high resolution site characterization and direct imaging of the subsurface impacts in both the dissolved and free phases.  Vertex is also the first in eastern Canada to now provide the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT). Vertex has also added the powerful combined MIP-HPT (MiHpt) tool to their roster due to the overwhelming data capture in a single push, capturing MIP (or LLMIP) and HPT data.  Vertex provides services coast to coast in Canada and internationally with our direct imaging technologies.  Along with the MIP, LLMIP, HPT and UVOST services, Vertex offers affordable in house 3D visualization of the data collected with the MIP, LLMIP, HPT, MiHpt, LLMiHpt, and UVOST technologies.







  • Sondage MIP
  • Sonda ge pour prélèvement de sols
  • Forage pour pose de piézomètres (tarière, marteau fond de trou, tarière creuse, Odex…)

Machine Geoprobe® : 6610DT
Couverture géographique d’intervention: France et Europe


  • MIP Investigations
  • Soil sampling
  • Monitoring Wells Installation (augering, hollow stem augering, DTH ...)

Geoprobe® unit: 6610DT
Areas of service: France and Europe

Arcilla Sondage


Thierry Daigre, Gérant
Tel : +33 (0)2 53 78 53 96
Mobile: +33 (0)6 12 42 95 46



Our team provides detailed EnISSA-MIP investigations to the consulting community, problem owners or contracters. The EnISSA method uses a GCMS system which is connected to the MIP by an innovative gas sampling system. Individual components can be characterised with low detection limits in the µg/l range. It is possible to qualify and semi-quantify pollutants within the time frame of conventional MIP. Our on-site operators are experienced in the data interpretation and are able to give real-time feedback during a dynamic sampling plan. Typically each 30 cm, concentration data for individual compounds are generated and graphed on-line together with soil structure (EC and/or CPT). This allows the operator to determine the location of the contaminant, the relative concentration and the soil layer in which the contaminant is located.






GEOSAN is a Belgian environmental consulting company, specialized in soil and groundwater surveys. Founded in 1989, we are currently active in all of Western Europe. GEOSAN can help you with direct push sampling techniques, conventional sampling techniques, injection services and Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) investigations up to 40 meters blg.

GEOSAN has, among others, an ISO-certificate (ISO 9001:2008) and a LNE-certificate  France). Each of our operators has undergone specialized safety-training, allowing us to work at industrial sites under the Seveso Directive.



Stefaan De Vlieghere
+32 51 33 53 13




NIRAS is an international consulting engineering company, leading in the field of environmental services. Founded in 1956, we have about 1,400 employees in offices throughout Europe, Africa and Asia.

NIRAS operates 3 Geoprobe Direct push rigs (DT540MT, 54DT & 6610DT) dedicated to providing high quality subsurface sampling and injection services for our clients as well as other consulting firms. Since 1996, we have been using the Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Electrical Conductivity (EC) and the basic groundwater, soil gas and soil sampling tools.  More recently, the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) and the probe combining the MIP and the HPT system (MiHPT) have been added, and NIRAS was part of the initial field testing of the MiHPT system at a site in Denmark. NIRAS is also offering a mobile lab for on-site VOC/SVOC analysis of soil and groundwater using both GC and/or MS systems.   

NIRAS is capable of working at sites all over Europe.



Anders G. Christensen, Specialist Manager

Lars Prinds Hedegaard, Geoprobe Manager




Über uns… Die TÜg UMWELT führt als Dienstleiter überregional umwelt- und geotechnische Monitorings im Bereich Altlastenerkundung durch. Unser Hauptfachgebiet ist die Durchführung von geotechnischen Erkundungen der Umweltkompartimente Boden, Grundwasser und Bodenluft. Hierbei werden sowohl konventionelle als auch innovative Direct-Push-Verfahren eingesetzt. Für diese Dienstleistungen verfügen wir über umfangreiche Erfahrungen und setzen zur Durchführung der Leistungen qualifiziertes und geschultes Personal ein. Unsere Kunden sind Ingenieurbüros, Versicherungen sowie private und öffentliche Auftraggeber.

Weitergehende Informationen zu unserem Dienstleistungsspektrum und zur Kontaktaufnahme erhalten Sie auf unserer website

TÜg UMWELT nationally performs environmental and geotechnical monitoring services in contaminated sites. Our main area of expertise consists of the implementation of geotechnical exploration of the environmental compartments soil, groundwater and soil gas. Both conventional and innovative direct-push technologic methods are used thereby. Our experienced staff is qualified and very well trained. Our customers are engineering firms, insurance companies as well as private and public clients.

For further information, feel free to visit our homepage or just contact us via email

TÜG Umvelt




Australia & Asia

Geochem Technologies Pty Ltd is a specialist provider of high resolution site characterization of subsurface lithology and contamination logging services throughout Australia and New Zealand.  Geochem Technologies uses Geoprobe®

  • MIHPT system for volatile organic compound (VOC) site investigations,
  • OIHPT logging system for the investigation of NAPL fuels, and oils,
  • Direct Push MC5, DT325 and SP16 tooling to collect confirmatory samples, all advanced using Geoprobe® direct push rigs.

Geochem Technologies equipment is operated by a Geoprobe factory trained Engineer with 5 years MIHPT / OIHPT logging experience and over 15 years’ experience in the Australian Contaminated Land Industry.  Geochem Technologies have been delivering industry leading site contamination project investigations using Direct Imaging methods and can assist with developing and providing Direct Imaging investigation solutions for your site investigation or remediation project.

GeoChem Technologies Logo


Nick Pannell
0414 572 843


Australia & Asia

Numac has advanced to become a global leader of drilling, demolition, tank removal (ASTs & USTs), excavation, and remediation equipment hire for site divestment and soil and groundwater remediation to professional consulting firms across a broad range of industry sectors.  Untiring customer service, deep knowledge, and a passion for doing it right every single time underpin all that we do.  Our services are offered throughout Australia, Asia, and the South Pacific.

As part of being an industry frontrunner in the use of innovative assessment technologies and remediation, Numac offers High Resolution Site Characterization tools such as MIP and LIF (UVOST™).  Numac personnel have been operating these systems since 2004 and have extensive experience (over 150 sites) in MIP/LIF/HPT logging, QA/QC, and data interpretation.   Numac can also provide 3D modelling of MIP/LIF data to develop high resolution graphics, including cross-sections and plan views of contaminant plumes.



Matthew Hansen


Australia & Asia

Central & South America

CAM is a leading environmental consultant in Mexico, now offering Direct Imaging® services with the Geoprobe Membrane Interface Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MIHPT). The MIHPT is the perfect complement for the integrated environmental solutions that CAM has been providing through drilling, sampling, site characterization, in situ and ex situ remediation techniques, geomatic and geotechnical analysis.  

CAM has a fleet of fully licensed state-of-the-art drilling equipment, operated by highly experienced personal.  Additional site services include installation of monitoring wells, direct push soil and groundwater sampling, geological and geophysical environmental studies, and permeability testing.

CAM Logo


Hugo Mujica


Central & South America


A FINKLER Ambiental se orgulha de ser a líder e primeira empresa Consultoria e Engenharia Ambiental do Brasil a investir em equipamentos próprios de Investigação em Alta Resolução (HRSC), fazendo uso do conceito TRIAD com as tecnologias Direct Image® MIP, HPT, EC e OIP desenvolvidas pela Geoprobe®.

As técnicas de Alta Resolução são um meio para se obter um preciso, robusto e completo Modelo Conceitual do Site (CSM) que permitirá a implementação de soluções que atendam os objetivos técnicos de maneira econômica.

Nossos profissionais combinam o profundo domínio adquirido em HRSC e CSM com o Gerenciamento de Áreas Contaminadas, desenvolvendo projetos, implantações e operações combinadas de técnicas descontaminação em sites complexos, tais como a Remediação Termal (ERH), a Oxidação/Redução Química (ISCO/ISCR) e o uso de surfactantes (SEAR).

FINKLER Ambiental is proud to be the leader and first Environmental Engineering and Consulting firm in Brazil to invest on its own High-Resolution Investigation equipment in Brazil, as well as using a TRIAD approach with Direct Image® technologies developed by Geoprobe such as the MIP, HPT, EC, and OIP.

The high-resolution techniques are a way to generate a more precise, robust and complete Conceptual Site Model (CSM) that allows the implementation of solutions that will achieve the technical goals with financial efficiency.

Our professionals combine deep knowledge and operational ability acquired in HRSC and CSM with management of contaminated sites; developing projects, implementations, and combined operations of decontamination techniques in complex sites such as Thermal Remediation (ERH), Chemical Oxidation/Reduction (ISCO/ISCR) and surfactant use (SEAR).

FINKLER Ambiental - Brazil


Sandro Souto

Omar Souto

Cesar Malta


Central & South America