Video: Electric Actuator by Geoprobe®
The Geoprobe® Electric Actuator (MN 214106), in combination with the Mechanical Bladder Pump (MBP) or Mechanical Syringe Pump (MSP), allows for the collection of high quality, low turbidity groundwater samples from direct push installed groundwater profilers or SP-16/SP-19 groundwater samplers and monitoring wells. The Electric Actuator operates off of either a 12-volt input or utilizing an 18V rechargeable battery. The Electric Actuator minimizes the field effort to conduct low flow sampling by electrically completing the sample retrieval process instead of the field operator doing it manually. The Electric Actuator can easily be carried to remote test sites, and it eliminates the need to transport an air compressor and a large electric generator that might be required if using a pneumatic pumping system. The universal rod mount clamp can secure onto any rod size from 1.5in to 2.25in rods as well as 2in PVC wells.
With the pump engaged into the sampler, the pump does not move when the Electric Actuator is in operation so there is no agitation of water in the well to increase turbidity or cause loss of volatiles thus protecting the water sample quality.
The Electric Actuator Accessory Kit includes the and mounting for above-ground or in-ground well protectors. Other mounting adapters are available.
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There’s no way we could do the same work with manual equipment. The State has been pleased with the results.
- Tom Megna, Environmental Quality Laboratories, Michigan
Electric/Battery Power Actuator MN 214106