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A 5-in. concrete core opens up the subsurface for sampling or for monitoring well installation.

It is often necessary to probe in areas that have concrete, asphalt or brick on the surface. Many times it is possible to break through to the soil using a carbide-tipped drill bit and the Geoprobe® hammer, but sometimes a larger hole is required or a cored hole is specified in the work plan. The Geoprobe® concrete coring system can be used to cut a concrete core without having to mobilize a specialized piece of equipment to the site. This improves efficiency and it adds value to your direct push machine. [Note: the concrete coring system is not compatible with 54LT or 540M machines.]

Water flow provides lubrication and cooling for the concrete core bit. Water also removes the grit that develops as the bit cuts through the surface material. This grit provides extra abrasiveness that enhances cutting, however, too much water flow can actually slow the coring process. Geoprobe® offers a Water Swivel Assembly designed to be used with Geoprobe® hammers having rotational capabilities and industry standardized diamond drill bits using 1.25-7 threads.

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Anvil Retainer Cap

GH40 Series

MN: 213964

Concrete Coring Bit Extension

12 in. LG

MN: 600188

Washer Flat

USS 5/16 ZN

MN: 101189

Concrete Coring Bit

3 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600248

Concrete Coring Bit

4 in. OD X 13 in. LG

MN: 600247

Concrete Coring Bit

5 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600187

Concrete Coring Bit

6 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600238

Concrete Coring Bit

8 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600206

Concrete Coring Bit

12 in. OD X 13 in. LG

MN: 600199

Anvil Retainer Cap

GH40 Series

MN: 213964

Concrete Coring Bit Extension

12 in. LG

MN: 600188

Washer Flat

USS 5/16 ZN

MN: 101189

Concrete Coring Bit

3 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600248

Concrete Coring Bit

4 in. OD X 13 in. LG

MN: 600247

Concrete Coring Bit

5 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600187

Concrete Coring Bit

6 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600238

Concrete Coring Bit

8 in. OD x 13 in. LG

MN: 600206

Concrete Coring Bit

12 in. OD X 13 in. LG

MN: 600199