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Identify Sonic Rig Manufacturers Whose Engineers Innovate and Operate Rigs, Provide Training and Support

Geoprobe® engineers design, build, test, operate, fix and even train and support operators on their rigs.

Geoprobe® engineers design, build, test, operate, fix and even train and support operators on their rigs.

The future of sonic drilling will likely be shaped by the continued push for drilling innovation through rig engineering design focused on functionality. As drilling scenarios become more complex and varied, rigs will need to be more adaptable, more powerful, and more reliable than ever before.

“Every new challenge is an opportunity for drilling innovation,” Doug Koehler, Geoprobe® sonic expert, explains. “We’re always listening to our clients and focusing our rig engineering on improving our rigs, whether it’s through new technology, better ergonomics, or smarter design.”

Rig Engineering Committed to Drilling Innovation

Family-run McMillan Drilling began in 1947 focused on providing irrigation water supply in Canterbury, New Zealand. They’d been watching sonic technology for around 20 years. Then, on a visit to the Geoprobe® headquarters in Salina, Kansas, CEO Iain Haycock distinctly remembers walking through and seeing a very different machine than the typical probes.

“It was a sonic rig in R&D,” Haycock said. “That was probably 10 years before we invested in sonic.”

During 2010 they bought their first sonic drilling machine. They now own three — all Geoprobe®.

“The main reason we invested in Geoprobe® sonic was because I had seen a lot of different types of sonic in the market, but what felt right to me was knowing Geoprobe® had been doing R&D for a long time,” Haycock said. “I consider Geoprobe® to be conservative by nature and knew they wouldn’t put something in the market if it wasn’t a solid offering.”

He affirms the commitment to simplifying fieldwork through the rig engineering comes through each version of the sonic drilling machine.

“There’s been nice innovation between versions. Not huge differences, but subtle changes that make a huge difference,” Haycock said.

In addition to physical rig components designed by engineers expected to get dirty running rigs in the field, Geoprobe® offers extensive drilling support services to ensure clients get the most out of their equipment. These services range from not only comprehensive training programs for new operators conducted by the rig engineers but also ongoing technical support from those same engineers.

Experienced Engineers Provide Initial Training

When Discovery Drilling secured their 8150LS, Joel Christy, machine design engineer, provided the training in Anchorage. Together with Jed Davis, tooling design engineer, they recommended a tooling package to meet the requirements of the Alaskan geographies.

“After purchasing our 8150LS, the Geoprobe® team spent many hours on the phone with us coming up with a large sonic tooling order that would meet all our needs, despite how unconventional they sometimes are,” DJ Wardwell, drilling manager, said. “The tooling is robust, works as intended, and designed to take whatever punishment we can throw at it. Geoprobe® also fields so many tooling options, it makes it easy for us to maintain an appropriate amount of down hole tools for the wildly varied applications we are tasked with here in Alaska.”

Having a dedicated, experienced team of sonic experts for sonic drill rigs training and drilling support provides Wardwell additional peace of mind.

“Whenever you are talking to an engineer at Geoprobe® regarding sonic technology, that engineer is also a well-versed sonic driller,” Wardwell said. “It really bridges the gap between what works on paper and what actually works in the real world.”

Ongoing Drilling Support by Engineers

When the Remediation and Redevelopment Division of Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) added a Geoprobe® 8150LS to their fleet, Scott Densteadt, drilling supervisor for the geological service section, and his team spent three days in Kansas participating in hands-on training with Geoprobe® Sonic Specialists Jed Davis and Joel Christy prior to delivery of their 8150LS.

“Our training programs are designed to help operators quickly become proficient with our rigs,” Koehler says. “We cover everything from the basics of sonic drilling to advanced techniques, ensuring our clients can maximize the potential of their equipment.”

On their first job in northern Michigan, the site was predominantly glacial till and sand with solvents coming from different sources. The team worked with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corp of Engineers to complete vertical aquifer samples and soil samples. Geoprobe® Sonic Specialist Jed Davis joined the geological services team on site.

“His presence was priceless,” Densteadt said. “He helped us work through some site challenges.”

This included identifying a PFAS-free lubricant for the threads.

“Lots of pipe lubricants have PFAS in them and that was one of the contaminants in the water there,” Densteadt said. “We didn’t want to contribute to the detection levels so it took a lot of trial and error to eventually find a suitable lubricant.”

Ability to rely on Geoprobe® for assistance on simple things like lubricant to challenges like sampling techniques drove them toward the Geoprobe® sonic rig and tooling line.

“Geoprobe® and its service has always been top notch," Densteadt said. “If you’ve got a problem, someone is always there to point you in the right direction."

Contact Us

1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842

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Geoprobe® 8150LS Sonic Drilling Rig Overview

8150LS sonic drilling rig

8150LS Sonic Drill Rig

Increase depth advancement and recovery speeds while minimizing waste with the 8150LS sonic drilling rig engineered for driller safety, sampling speed, and operation efficiency.

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