GW4240...for 0.25 in. ID Tools
Following your 2.0 in. prepacks monitoring well installation, you need to develop the well properly. The 2.0-in. Monitoring Well Development Tool is equipped with a flexible polyurethane collar to help surge water into and out of the screen during the development process. The monitoring well development tool attaches to nominal 0.5-in. PVC riser so it can be lowered into the well and efficiently raised and lowered to surge and purge the well. Movement of water into and out of the screen provides for better development and removal of fines around the well interval. A check valve in the tool allows you to purge water from the well while surging to help remove the fines and provide for good hydraulic communication between the well and formation. It's best to develop segments of the screen and move up and down through the screen interval repeatedly to achieve adequate monitoring well development. Review ASTM Standard D 5521 for additional guidelines and information on well development techniques and purposes.
Choose from a variety of sizes for your specific groundwater sampling needs. Constructed of either stainless steel or PVC. The check valve is fully captured in the body of the valve so you don’t lose the ball! Great for cleaning out and developing small-diameter direct push tools and wells prior to either sampling or slug testing.
GW4240...for 0.25 in. ID Tools
Well Covers
Well Plugs, Locking
Well Plugs, Non-Locking