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Bladder pump uses check balls above and below the bladder to control flow direction as the inner tubing is moved up and down to expand/compress the bladder.

Bladder pump uses check balls above and below the bladder to control flow direction as the inner tubing is moved up and down to expand/compress the bladder.

MBP Logo

The Geoprobe® Model MBP470 Mechanical Bladder Pump offers a better way to meet low flow groundwater sampling requirements because it saves money with less field effort!

  • Obtain high-quality, low-turbidity groundwater samples from wells or direct push installed groundwater samplers as small as 0.5 in. ID>
  • Conduct low flow, minimal drawdown sampling to meet the most stringent EPA requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Read more...
  • Less expensive to use than pneumatic bladder pumps.
  • Used as a portable bladder pump or dedicated to monitoring wells to minimize potential for cross contamination.
  • Requires no compressor, generator, or pneumatic controller.
  • Can be operated in simple, manual mode or with a manual actuator.
  • No difference in sample quality when operated at same flow rate as a conventional bladder pump.
  • All metal components are stainless steel to further assure sample integrity and regulatory acceptance. The photo above right shows installing the inlet/check ball retained on the lower end of the mechanical bladder pump.


In the photo shown at left, a corrugated Teflon® bladder, housed inside the stainless steel body, is lowered into the well casing of a monitoring well. Check balls above and below the bladder control flow direction as the inner tubing is moved up and down to expand/compress the bladder.

Check Ball ETV

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) recently finalized their performance statements on the Mechanical Bladder Pump developed by Geoprobe Systems®, and has given the company and the MBP high marks. The document stated that the MBP collected representative samples and met low flow groundwater sampling protocol recommended by the EPA and many state agencies. Read more about what is contained in their four-page report..

Mechanical bladder pump tool string diagram

When operating the mechanical syringe or bladder pump, Geoprobe® recommends using the mechanical actuator (MN 214106) for sample collection.

Tooling Links

= Tool String Diagram (TSD)


Mechanical Bladder Pump Approved by US EPA's ETV Program

ID: 5222 | Date:

Bladder pump uses check balls above and below the bladder to control flow direction as the inner tubing is moved up and down to expand/compress the bladder.

Bladder pump uses check balls above and below the bladder to control flow direction as the inner tubing is moved up and down to expand/compress the bladder.

A corrugated Teflon® bladder, housed inside the stainless steel body, is lowered into the well casing of a monitoring well.

A corrugated Teflon® bladder, housed inside the stainless steel body, is lowered into the well casing of a monitoring well.

Mechanical Bladder Pump

Mechanical Bladder Pump

EPA Verification Program Evaluates MBP System

EPA Verification Program Evaluates MBP System


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MBP Corrugated Teflon Bladder

Quantity: 1

MN: 600301

MBP Corrugated PE Bladder

Quantity: 10

MN: 206916

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PP 100 ft.

MN: 214104

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, FEP 100 ft.

MN: 214102

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PE 100 ft.

MN: 214103

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PE 50 ft.

MN: 214100

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PP 50 ft.

MN: 214101

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, FEP 50 ft.

MN: 214099

MBP PVC Adapter

2.0 in. x 1 in. NPT

MN: 204163

MBP PVC Adapter

1.5 in. x 1 in. NPT

MN: 203776

MBP Well Mount Kit

MN: 214110

MBP Service Kit

MN: 214112

O-Ring (MBP PVC Adapter 2.0 in.)

Quantity: 25

MN: 103231

MSP Piston Wear Ring

Quantity: 10

MN: 233892

MSP Piston O-Ring

Quantity: 10

MN: 230914

MSP Service Kit

MN: 236511

HDPE Tubing

5/16 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 100 ft.

MN: 117811

O-Ring (MBP/MSP Adapters)

Quantity: 25

MN: 214210

MBP/MSP Check Ball Stainless Steel

Quantity: 10

MN: 103212

O-Ring (MBP/MSP Lower Bladder Adapter)

Quantity: 25

MN: 234553

MBP/MSP Barb Nose Intake

Uses 3/16 in. ID Tubing

MN: 213376

MBP/MSP Electric Actuator


MN: 214106

32P to MBP/MSP Actuator

Length: 15 ft.

MN: 204701

MBP/MSP Top Seal

MN: 234817

HDPE Tubing

1/4 in. OD x .040 in. Wall x 500 ft.

MN: 114348

Polypropylene Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 500 ft.

MN: 601060

FEP Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 100 ft.

MN: 214252

MBP Corrugated Teflon Bladder

Quantity: 1

MN: 600301

MBP Corrugated PE Bladder

Quantity: 10

MN: 206916

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PP 100 ft.

MN: 214104

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, FEP 100 ft.

MN: 214102

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PE 100 ft.

MN: 214103

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PE 50 ft.

MN: 214100

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, PP 50 ft.

MN: 214101

Concentric MBP HDPE Tubing

7/16 in. OD, FEP 50 ft.

MN: 214099

MBP PVC Adapter

2.0 in. x 1 in. NPT

MN: 204163

MBP PVC Adapter

1.5 in. x 1 in. NPT

MN: 203776

MBP Well Mount Kit

MN: 214110

MBP Service Kit

MN: 214112

O-Ring (MBP PVC Adapter 2.0 in.)

Quantity: 25

MN: 103231

MSP Piston Wear Ring

Quantity: 10

MN: 233892

MSP Piston O-Ring

Quantity: 10

MN: 230914

MSP Service Kit

MN: 236511

HDPE Tubing

5/16 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 100 ft.

MN: 117811

O-Ring (MBP/MSP Adapters)

Quantity: 25

MN: 214210

MBP/MSP Check Ball Stainless Steel

Quantity: 10

MN: 103212

O-Ring (MBP/MSP Lower Bladder Adapter)

Quantity: 25

MN: 234553

MBP/MSP Barb Nose Intake

Uses 3/16 in. ID Tubing

MN: 213376

MBP/MSP Electric Actuator


MN: 214106

32P to MBP/MSP Actuator

Length: 15 ft.

MN: 204701

MBP/MSP Top Seal

MN: 234817

HDPE Tubing

1/4 in. OD x .040 in. Wall x 500 ft.

MN: 114348

Polypropylene Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 500 ft.

MN: 601060

FEP Tubing

1/4 in. OD x 3/16 in. ID x 100 ft.

MN: 214252