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At the 2012 Geoprobe® Open House, the Geoprobe® Engineering Team demonstrated rock coring capabilities using the 7822DT – version 2 – equipped with a new GA4100 4-speed head. This new GA4100 allows customers to obtain rock samples using industry standard NQ coring tools operating at over 700 rpm.


So why rock? It's really a logical progression to provide rock sampling equipment. For nearly 25 years, Team Geoprobe® has helped customers obtain high quality soil and water samples in unconsolidated formations. It's common for these same customers to be involved in projects that require competent rock sampling. Adding rock coring options to this machine allows users to increase their utilization rates. "Obviously more working days per year translates directly to a positive movement in profitability," Tom added, "but nearly as important, it keeps a steady workload for field crews." The result: Geoprobe® customers enjoy success.

"The compact size of the 7822DT makes it easy to mobilize to the various rock sampling locations," Lee Shaw said, Geoprobe® Customer Service, "some of which are very remote and require customers to travel rugged terrain. And that’s another instance where the 78 shines."


Are you interested in seeing this rig in action ... putting tools in the ground and coring through rock? The Geoprobe® Customer Service Center has the door wide open for visitors who want to see the 78 machine run through its paces. Call 1-800-436-7762 to schedule a convenient time for your visit.

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1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842

7822DT rotary drilling rigs capability with direct push finesse

7822DT Drill Rig

From crowded street corners to far removed places, tackle various environmental, geotechnical and exploration applications with a single machine combining rotary drilling and direct push, saving time and money required to mobilize multiple drill rigs.

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