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Video Summary:

The warmup process for new Geoprobe® machines is now fully automatic.  In this video, our service team shows how to warmup up your 7822DT or 3126GT in cold conditions.  The same principles also apply to your 3230DT or Geoprobe® Sonic machine.  We discuss how proper cold weather preparations begin the night before, and how the new warmup cycle compares to that of previous machines.  This video applies to 2018 or newer model year rigs. For 2012-2018 model rigs, see our training essentials video among our extensive collection of maintenance videos.: https://geoprobe.com/videos/7822dt-training-essentials-start-cold-start

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Salina, Kansas 67401
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7822DT rotary drilling rigs capability with direct push finesse

7822DT Drill Rig