MATECO has been conducting high‐quality site characterization and in‐situ remediation for environmental and engineering firms as well as geotechnical investigations since 1974. We have a strong line of Direct Image tooling to aid firms in different areas of concern and needs. Paired with state‐of‐the‐art drill rigs to complement this tooling are a Geoprobe 2060 20‐ton weatherproof and climate‐ controlled Crawler, a 7822DT, 66 series rigs and a 540 mounted to an amphibious Marsh Master. MATECO utilizes the MIP, HPT, EC, MIHPT, and CPT in different configurations depending on the needs of our clients. Based in Michigan and operating primarily in the Midwest, we look forward to assisting firms with their environmental and geotechnical needs.
Joe Klumpstra
616.863.6890 Ext #4
United States