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Cascade is the leading provider of environmental drilling, in situ remediation applications, and high resolution site characterization in the United States. Our vision is to integrate technology, safety, sustainability and human potential to tackle the challenging environmental and geotechnical issues facing our clients.

Service Capabilities: Cascade offers a full array of Geoprobe® Direct Image® services including Electrical Conductivity (EC), Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Low Level Membrane Interface Probe (LL-MIP), Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Combined Membrane Interface Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MiHPT), and Hydraulic Profiling Tool – Groundwater Sampler (HPT-GW). These services are bolstered by Cascade’s collaborative work plan design process prior to projects, data imaging capabilities using EVS software, and Cascade’s ability to support the planning and implementation of remediation projects.

Cascade operates two NELAP-certified (NY, NJ and FL) and DoD/ELAP-certified mobile laboratories. Groundwater quality profiling and bedrock sampling and analytical services are provided through our WaterlooAPS TM and COREDFN TM technologies, respectively.  


Brad Carlson


United States