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Geochem Technologies Pty Ltd is a specialist provider of high resolution site characterization of subsurface lithology and contamination logging services throughout Australia and New Zealand.  Geochem Technologies uses Geoprobe®

  • MIHPT system for volatile organic compound (VOC) site investigations,
  • OIHPT logging system for the investigation of NAPL fuels, and oils,
  • Direct Push MC5, DT325 and SP16 tooling to collect confirmatory samples, all advanced using Geoprobe® direct push rigs.

Geochem Technologies equipment is operated by a Geoprobe factory trained Engineer with 5 years MIHPT / OIHPT logging experience and over 15 years’ experience in the Australian Contaminated Land Industry.  Geochem Technologies have been delivering industry leading site contamination project investigations using Direct Imaging methods and can assist with developing and providing Direct Imaging investigation solutions for your site investigation or remediation project.


Nick Pannell
0414 572 843


Australia & Asia