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Prior to advancing down-hole the grout line is charged with water then the injection hole is capped off.

Prior to advancing down-hole the grout line is charged with water then the injection hole is capped off.

The new Direct Image® (DI) 2.25 in. Grout Sub (222346) will attach to any 2.25 in. DI tool string, and allow you to easily grout your borehole from bottom up.

Being able to grout your DI logged DI borehole immediately after logging ensures that the actual borehole gets completely sealed and avoids grout bridging. When mapping through high-level contamination or penetrating confining units, contaminants will not move down the borehole spreading the plume. Using the DI grout sub will save project time and money by eliminating the need to re-drill borehole solely to grout which may even require additional rigs to complete. Geoprobe® has successfully post-log grouted numerous boreholes utilizing both bentonite and neat cement grouts including areas where pressurized natural gas zones over 100 ft. deep would have blown out the hole if they needed to be re-drilled to grout.

The DI Grout Sub is inserted above the connection tube on any 2.25 in. Direct Image® tool string. The Grout Sub utilizes a separate grout line eliminating much of mess and cleanup usually associated with grouting. Its three-winged design creates pathways for the grout to flow down and around the probe on retraction so you can be assured grout flows to the bottom of the hole.

The operator will attach the designated grout line to a GP300 or GP350 grout machine. Prior to advancing the tool string the grout line is charged with water, a rubber plug is pressed into the grout port and held in place with a stainless steel tab. Once the probe reaches the targeted depth it is retracted approximately 1 ft. to bend back the stainless steel tab. Water is then pumped to dislodge the grout plug (by using a pressure gauge on grout line it is easy to determine when this happens). Grout can now be added to the pump and pumped down hole. At the current time, post log grouting can only be performed with the 2.25 in. tool strings.

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1835 Wall Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: (785) 825-1842

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Prior to advancing down-hole the grout line is charged with water then the injection hole is capped off.
An MiHPT trunkline and grout line connect the probe and grout tool to the surface instruments and grout pump.
After retraction grouting the cover plate has been pried back
The tool can be positioned to top off the borehole with grout; whatever is not needed in the hole can be contained in a bucket.  This process is performed by pumping clean water through the grout pump and line. Approximately 10 gallons of water will flush a 250-ft grout line clean of neat cement.